How to implement Data.Map.insertList*?
Ross Paterson
ross at
Wed Feb 23 06:18:53 EST 2005
On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 12:16:13PM +0100, Mirko Rahn wrote:
> The old FiniteMap module contains the addListToFM* functions that are
> missing in Data.Map. But how to implement it?
Here's a cheatsheet I use for converting to Data.Map:
-- Definitions of FiniteMap operations in terms of Map, for porting purposes.
module FiniteMap (
emptyFM, unitFM, listToFM,
lookupFM, lookupWithDefaultFM, elemFM,
addToFM, addToFM_C, addListToFM, addListToFM_C,
delFromFM, delListFromFM,
plusFM, plusFM_C,
fmToList, keysFM, eltsFM, sizeFM, isEmptyFM,
minusFM, foldFM, intersectFM, intersectFM_C, mapFM, filterFM,
foldFM_GE, fmToList_GE, keysFM_GE, eltsFM_GE,
foldFM_LE, fmToList_LE, keysFM_LE, eltsFM_LE,
minFM, maxFM
) where
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (foldl')
type FiniteMap = Map
emptyFM :: FiniteMap k a
emptyFM = empty
unitFM :: k -> a -> FiniteMap k a
unitFM = singleton
listToFM :: (Ord k) => [(k,a)] -> FiniteMap k a
listToFM = fromList
addToFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> k -> a -> FiniteMap k a
addToFM m k v = insert k v m
addListToFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> [(k,a)] -> FiniteMap k a
addListToFM m kvs = foldl' add m kvs
where add m' (k,v) = insert k v m'
addToFM_C :: (Ord k) =>
(a -> a -> a) -> FiniteMap k a -> k -> a -> FiniteMap k a
addToFM_C c m k v = insertWith (flip c) k v m
addListToFM_C :: (Ord k) =>
(a -> a -> a) -> FiniteMap k a -> [(k,a)] -> FiniteMap k a
addListToFM_C c m kvs = foldl' add m kvs
where add m' (k,v) = insertWith (flip c) k v m'
delFromFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> k -> FiniteMap k a
delFromFM m k = delete k m
delListFromFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> [k] -> FiniteMap k a
delListFromFM m keys = foldl' (flip delete) m keys
plusFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a
plusFM = flip union
plusFM_C :: (Ord k) =>
(a -> a -> a) -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a
plusFM_C = unionWith
minusFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k b -> FiniteMap k a
minusFM = difference
intersectFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a
intersectFM = flip intersection
intersectFM_C :: (Ord k) =>
(a -> b -> c) -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k b -> FiniteMap k c
intersectFM_C = intersectionWith
foldFM :: (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> FiniteMap k a -> b
foldFM = foldWithKey
mapFM :: (k -> elt1 -> elt2) -> FiniteMap k elt1 -> FiniteMap k elt2
mapFM = mapWithKey
filterFM :: (Ord k) => (k -> a -> Bool) -> FiniteMap k a -> FiniteMap k a
filterFM = filterWithKey
sizeFM :: FiniteMap k a -> Int
sizeFM = size
isEmptyFM :: FiniteMap k a -> Bool
isEmptyFM = Map.null
elemFM :: (Ord k) => k -> FiniteMap k a -> Bool
elemFM = member
lookupFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> k -> Maybe a
lookupFM m k = Map.lookup k m
lookupWithDefaultFM :: (Ord k) => FiniteMap k a -> a -> k -> a
lookupWithDefaultFM m v k = findWithDefault v k m
fmToList :: FiniteMap k a -> [(k,a)]
fmToList = toList
keysFM :: FiniteMap k a -> [k]
keysFM = keys
eltsFM :: FiniteMap k a -> [a]
eltsFM = elems
-- NB: if == is less discriminating than true equality, then these are
-- slightly different from the originals: they use the key supplied,
-- rather than the one in the tree that's equal to it.
foldFM_GE :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> k -> FiniteMap k a -> b
foldFM_GE f z k m
| Map.null m = z
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(_, Nothing, m_gt) -> foldWithKey f z m_gt
(_, Just x, m_gt) -> f k x (foldWithKey f z m_gt)
fmToList_GE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [(k,a)]
fmToList_GE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(_, Nothing, m_gt) -> toList m_gt
(_, Just x, m_gt) -> (k,x) : toList m_gt
keysFM_GE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [k]
keysFM_GE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(_, Nothing, m_gt) -> keys m_gt
(_, Just _, m_gt) -> k : keys m_gt
eltsFM_GE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [a]
eltsFM_GE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(_, Nothing, m_gt) -> elems m_gt
(_, Just x, m_gt) -> x : elems m_gt
foldFM_LE :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> k -> FiniteMap k a -> b
foldFM_LE f z k m
| Map.null m = z
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(m_lt, Nothing, _) -> foldWithKey f z m_lt
(m_lt, Just x, _) -> foldWithKey f (f k x z) m_lt
fmToList_LE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [(k,a)]
fmToList_LE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(m_lt, Nothing, _) -> toList m_lt
(m_lt, Just x, _) -> toList m_lt ++ [(k,x)]
keysFM_LE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [k]
keysFM_LE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(m_lt, Nothing, _) -> keys m_lt
(m_lt, Just x, _) -> keys m_lt ++ [k]
eltsFM_LE :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> k -> [a]
eltsFM_LE m k
| Map.null m = []
| otherwise = case splitLookup k m of
(m_lt, Nothing, _) -> elems m_lt
(m_lt, Just x, _) -> elems m_lt ++ [x]
minFM :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> Maybe k
minFM m
| Map.null m = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (fst (findMin m))
maxFM :: Ord k => FiniteMap k a -> Maybe k
maxFM m
| Map.null m = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (fst (findMax m))
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