bracketOnError, while, forever

Remi Turk rturk at
Mon Feb 7 16:28:22 EST 2005

On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 01:37:53PM +0000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> I agree that these sorts of combinators are frequently useful.  However,
> there is a reasonable variety in the possible signatures one might
> assign to the control-flow notion of "while".  For instance, how about
>     while :: Monad m => Bool -> m Bool -> m ()
>     while True f  = f >>= \b-> while b f
>     while False f = return ()
> There are other control-flow analogies like
>     until :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()
>     until f = f >>= \b-> if b then return () else until f
>     for :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m ()
>     for   0   f = return ()
>     for (n+1) f = f >> for n f
> which probably also have a few possible monadic variations.
> Regards,
>     Malcolm

I often define the following, and usually just define them as IO
as I haven't found a non-IO use for them yet (okay, ST and the
recent STM):

-- clashes with your for
for     :: [a] -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
for     = flip mapM_

loop    :: IO a -> IO ()
loop    = sequence_ . repeat

I have no idea whether GHC is smart enough to optimize the lists
away (in loop and in e.g. "for [1..100] ..."), though it hasn't
caused me problems in practice.

I'm rather fond of lists of IO-actions, which is probably why I
once wrote the following OpenGL code:

    renderPrimitive Polygon $ do
            sequence_ $ concat $ transpose [colors, vertices]

where both `colors' and `vertices' are lists of actions which
respectively change the current OpenGL color and draw a vertex.


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