Time library design proposal
Keean Schupke
k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Feb 2 10:09:49 EST 2005
> getDateGregorian :: JulianDay -> CalendarDate
> -- much less useful, but easy to write
> getDateJulian :: JulianDay -> CalendarDate
>I can see a number of applications for calendar dates by themselves and
>perhaps times of day also. This also might be more
>internationalisation-friendly, as users can create their own calendar
>types and still use TimeOfDay.
>On the other hand, it adds two levels of construction to CalendarTime.
Don't forget decimal time (100 seconds = 1 minute, 100 minutes = 1 hour,
10 hours = 1 day)...
I still feel using a simple single unit counter (picoseconds?) and then
defining a class allowing different
representations is the most flexible way to do this... Ignoring the
TAI/UTC issue, this would be how
I would define the interface:
type TAI = Word128
getTAI :: IO TAI -- or Integer or Word64?
class Calendar c where
fromTAI :: TAI -> c
toTAI :: c -> TAI
data Gregorian = Gregorian {
second :: Int,
minute :: Int,
hour :: Int,
dayOfMonth :: Int,
dayOfWeek :: Int,
weekOfYear :: Int,
monthOfYear :: Int,
Year :: Int } -- enumerations may make more sense for
This allows users to implement alternative arrangements and convert to
and from TAI.
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