About cabal and compatibility
Robert Dockins
robdockins at fastmail.fm
Sat Dec 10 19:37:37 EST 2005
On Saturday 10 December 2005 07:14 pm, you wrote:
> Robert Dockins <robdockins at fastmail.fm> writes:
> > [snip]
> >
> >> This would greatly simplify the Distribution.Simple.UserHooks
> >> structure bringing it from 34 fields to 14 fields, or so.
> >>
> >> Downsides: Making pre and post hooks would now be slightly harder, and
> >> it would break existing hooks-using code.
> >
> > I just want to mention that these kind of changes represent represent a
> > VERY big problem. I discussed that issue at some length in an email I
> > intended to send to this list very recently, but it seems to have gotten
> > lost.
> Are you sure they represent a very big problem in practice and not
> just in theory?
Well, obviously it isn't a practical problem yet. If it was we'd have people
screaming about it on the lists.
The thing that got me thinking about it was Happy. Its recently been put in a
darcs, and Simon Marlow mentioned to me that they are looking at moving to
Cabal for the build system.
The Happy build system now does two things that aren't your standard build
1) It creates module which contains the version string before compilation
2) After compilation it runs CPP on a number of template files with various
different "-D" options to genreate the parser templates.
I was messing around with doing these using user hooks and I ended up needing
to tie pretty deeply into cabal even for the simple task 1).
I have attached my initial attempts so you can see what's happening.
The user hooks change you are talking about would require a complete rework of
my Setup.hs file. Its only ~130 lines, but then Happy is a pretty small
> I only know of one or two packages that use the hooks. Do you know of
> backward compatibility problems that cabal has caused?
No, this is all speculation currently.
> BTW, I just added a "cabal-version" field to cabal so that if a
> package requires a particular version of cabal, it can say so.
Well, cabal the library already has to be invoked before the package file is
even read! If the Setup.hs doesn't typecheck because the cabal interfaces
have changed, you won't even get that far. To make a "cabal-version" field
work you'd need some kind of bootstrapping step (which would itself need a
very stable interface).
> Further, my grand plan is that once stuff gets into hackage, we can
> try making modifications and seeing if it breaks any packages, and if
> so, offer patches to those package authors (since it's probably eaiser
> for cabal hackers to write such patches than most package authors).
That depends on the complexity of the build system. In my experience, just
trying to figure out what a build system is doing can be pretty difficult. I
can't imagine you want to undertake the maintaince of other people's build
OTOH, if Cabal is only aiming at pretty simple projects, this may never be an
> (snip)
> > I suggest that the cabal team very seriously consider using the Eternal
> > Compatibility in Theory method to manage interface change.
> I'll look at this.
> peace,
> isaac
-------------- next part --------------
import Data.Version
import Control.Exception
import System.Cmd
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Directory
import Distribution.Setup
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.PackageDescription
main = do
descFile <- defaultPackageDesc
desc <- readPackageDescription descFile
let ver = (pkgVersion (package desc))
defaultMainWithHooks (mkHooks desc ver)
mkHooks :: PackageDescription
-> Version
-> UserHooks
mkHooks desc ver =
{ readDesc = return (Just desc)
, postConf = doPostConf ver
, postBuild = createTemplates
, postClean = cleanDerivedFiles
templateFiles :: [String]
templateFiles =
[ "HappyTemplate"
, "HappyTemplate-ghc"
, "HappyTemplate-coerce"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays-debug"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc-debug"
, "HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce-debug"
, "GLR_Base"
, "GLR_Lib"
, "GLR_Lib-ghc"
, "GLR_Lib-ghc-debug"
cleanDerivedFiles :: Args
-> Int
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> IO ExitCode
cleanDerivedFiles args _ buildInfo = do
sequence_ $ map (delFile . (\x -> "templates/"++x++".hspp")) $ templateFiles
sequence_ $ map (delFile . (\x -> "templates/"++x)) $ templateFiles
removeFile "src/Version.hs"
return ExitSuccess
where delFile path = try (removeFile path) >> return ()
doPostConf :: Version
-> Args
-> ConfigFlags
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> IO ExitCode
doPostConf version args flags buildInfo = do
case (compilerFlavor (compiler buildInfo)) of
GHC -> do
createVersionModule version
return ExitSuccess
_ -> do
putStrLn "Currently only GHC is supported as a build platform for Happy"
return (ExitFailure 1)
createVersionModule :: Version -> IO ()
createVersionModule version = do
h <- openFile "src/Version.hs" WriteMode
hPutStr h "module Version where\n"
hPutStr h ("version = \""++(showVersion version)++"\"")
hClose h
createTemplates :: Args
-> Int
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> IO ExitCode
createTemplates args _ buildInfo = do
putStrLn "building parser templates..."
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
setCurrentDirectory (pwd++"/templates")
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate" []
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-ghc" [ghcOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-coerce" [ghcOpt,coerceOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays" [arrayOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc" [ghcOpt,arrayOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce" [ghcOpt,arrayOpt,coerceOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays-debug" [arrayOpt,debugOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc-debug" [arrayOpt,ghcOpt,debugOpt]
defaultTemplate "HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce-debug" [ghcOpt,arrayOpt,coerceOpt,debugOpt]
runCpp "GLR_Base" [] "GLR_Base.lhs"
glrTemplate "GLR_Lib" []
glrTemplate "GLR_Lib-ghc" [ghcOpt]
glrTemplate "GLR_Lib-ghc-debug" [ghcOpt,debugOpt]
setCurrentDirectory pwd
return ExitSuccess
where ghc = compilerPath (compiler buildInfo)
ghcOpt = "-DHAPPY_GHC"
coerceOpt = "-DHAPPY_COERCE"
arrayOpt = "-DHAPPY_ARRAY"
debugOpt = "-DHAPPY_DEBUG"
cppArgs =
if (compilerVersion (compiler buildInfo)) >= Version{ versionBranch = [4,11,4], versionTags = [] }
then ["-E","-cpp","-o"]
else ["-E","-cpp",">"]
perlRE = "s/^#\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\")/{-# LINE \\1 \\2 #-}/g;s/\\$$(Id:.*)\\$$/\\1/g"
runCpp file args template = do
rawSystem ghc (concat [cppArgs,[file],args,[template]])
rawSystem "perl" ["-pi.hspp","-e",perlRE,file]
defaultTemplate file args = runCpp file args "GenericTemplate.hs"
glrTemplate file args = runCpp file args "GLR_Lib.lhs"
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