Cabal bug?

Niklas Broberg niklas.broberg at
Mon Apr 11 08:39:12 EDT 2005

The following works fine:

Name: hspr
Version: 0.2
License: PublicDomain
Author: Niklas Broberg
Maintainer: nibro at
Build-Depends: base, haskell98, haskelldb, hsp

Executable: hspr
Main-Is: HSPR.hs
This does not:

Name: hspr
Version: 0.2
License: PublicDomain
Author: Niklas Broberg
Maintainer: nibro at
Build-Depends: base, haskell98, haskelldb, hsp
GHC-Options: -F -pgmFtrhsx           

Executable: hspr
Main-Is: HSPR.hs

> runhaskell Setup.hs configure
Error: Non-empty library, but empty exposed modules list. Cabal may
not build this library correctly

The difference is the added GHC-Options, same thing happens if I try
to add an Extensions rule. Is this an intended behavior?


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