understanding HaXml and escaping

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu Oct 28 12:47:37 EDT 2004

[moved to libraries list from haskell list]

> You have a Dtd2Haskell tool, but DTDs are very
> inexpressive and the result is string based types.

Yes, DTDs are pretty blunt.

> Is there a tool for converting e.g. relaxNG into
> haskell types?  Then we get direct support for
> e.g. doubles or URLs.

Not yet.  I have thought about conversions from e.g. XML Schema, and I'm
certain it would be very useful, but
  (a) judging by the proliferation of competition in extended type
      systems for XML, there seems to be little consensus yet on the "best";
  (b) I don't have the time anyway - there's unlikely to be a nice research
      paper in it...

Perhaps it would make a nice student project...?


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