instance Show SockAddr

Peter Simons simons at
Mon Oct 18 06:54:35 EDT 2004

Simon Marlow writes:

 > If someone has code for a version that works on both
 > endians [...]

import Foreign
import Network.Socket

data Endian = LittleEndian | BigEndian | PDPEndian
            deriving (Show, Eq)

getEndian :: Endian
getEndian =
  unsafePerformIO $
    allocaArray (sizeOf (undefined :: Word32)) $ \p -> do
      let val = 0x01020304 :: Word32
      poke p val
      let p' = castPtr p :: Ptr Word8
      val' <- peekArray 4 p'
      case val' of
        (0x01:0x02:0x03:0x04:[]) -> return BigEndian
        (0x04:0x03:0x02:0x01:[]) -> return LittleEndian
        (0x02:0x01:0x03:0x04:[]) -> return PDPEndian
        _                        -> error "unknown endian"

instance Show SockAddr where
  show (SockAddrUnix str) = str
  show (SockAddrInet port ha) =
    shows b1 . ('.':) .
    shows b2 . ('.':) .
    shows b3 . ('.':) .
    shows b4 . (':':) $ show port
      (b1,b2,b3,b4) = ha2tpl ha

ha2tpl :: HostAddress -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
ha2tpl n =
  let (b1,n1) = (n  .&. 255, n  `shiftR` 8)
      (b2,n2) = (n1 .&. 255, n1 `shiftR` 8)
      (b3,n3) = (n2 .&. 255, n2 `shiftR` 8)
      b4      = n3 .&. 255
  case getEndian of
    BigEndian    -> (fromEnum b4, fromEnum b3, fromEnum b2, fromEnum b1)
    LittleEndian -> (fromEnum b1, fromEnum b2, fromEnum b3, fromEnum b4)
    PDPEndian    -> (fromEnum b4, fromEnum b3, fromEnum b1, fromEnum b2)

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