Double -> CDouble, realToFrac doesn't work

Keith Wansbrough Keith.Wansbrough at
Fri Nov 5 07:53:12 EST 2004

> > Denorms are handled fine by ordinary Rationals, but collapsing all NaNs 
> > down to 0:%0 is not necessarily the right thing to do.
> Yep. Given
>  a % b == c % d     iff    a*d == b*c
> then 0 % 0 is equivalent to each other rational. :-)

Ah!  Not very good.

But that wasn't what I meant.

There's not just *one* NaN - there are 2^53 - 2 distinct ones.  In
fact they all get treated identically, but the bit-patterns are

--KW 8-)

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