[Haskell] Proposal for a Standard of Abstract Collections (with Reference Implementation)

Dylan Thurston dpt at lotus.bostoncoop.net
Mon Mar 22 14:29:20 EST 2004

Another comment is that it looks too complicated.  Your basic
Collection class has 30 members, and some of them are clearly
excessive: do you really need all of has, elem, (#), not_elem, and
(/#) in the class (rather than defined as auxiliary functions,
possibly optimised with fusion)?

(Of course, these particular functions should be in a subclass that
has equality on the arguments...)

For another example, how could zip possibly be given a more efficient
implementation than the one you provide?  (And furthermore, a function
'zip' obviously doesn't make sense on general collections.  Even for
sequences, it can't be "democratic", so probably doesn't belong in the

Please try to simplify the interface more!


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