[Haskell] Re: RFC: DData in hierarchical libraries

JP Bernardy jyp_7 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 11 08:03:10 EST 2004

--- Daan Leijen <daanleijen at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> However, I do not have a strong opinion about this
> and maybe the
> Edison guide lines are better.

I'd say they seldom conflict, as far as I can tell,
they are not violated in DData.

Plus, the "personal taste" rule allows some freedom...

> It is kind of strange to take the difference between
> to maps with different
> elements, so I thought it better to disallow that
> situation. However, it is
> a bit 1984 to disallow it, and I may be wrong here.

I'd say, let's use the most general type, which has
the advantage to express the "bias" in the type.


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