LIP and the AAP project

Isaac Jones ijones at
Mon Jan 19 23:28:00 EST 2004


Now that I have at least gotten something started on the Library
Infrastructure Project, I'm going to bend some of my energy toward the
build/install issues for Haskell modules.

The plan at this point, which is summarized on the project web site[1]
is to attempt to leverage HMake's usefulness as a
non-compiler-specific build system.

Since I wrote the proposal, I've been made aware of the AAP
project[2].  Does anyone have any experience with this?  Does anyone
have a sense for how it might fit in with LIP?  I know that Peter
Simons seems to think it might.

I haven't read through all of the documentation, but I suspect it
might help us out with the CPAN-style distribution stuff, and perhaps
the building stuff.  One big objection I have with using it would be
that Haskell modules would depend on Python (!), but I thought I'd let
everyone know about it anyway.  Seems like an interesting project, and
we could quite possibly learn something from it.




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