#ifdef considered harmful (was: DData)

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Fri Apr 16 16:21:32 EDT 2004

On 16 April 2004 12:26, Alastair Reid wrote:
> What I'd like to see is a general facility for defining strict types.
> That is, types whose values will never be thunks so let binding
> causes evaluation (as in ML) and use as a subexpression (which is not
> under a lambda) causes evaluation (as in ML).  The GHC syntax seems
> too restrictive for this.  Maybe something like this:
>   strict_data Int# = Int# Int  -- declare a strict Int type
> The typechecking issues would be the same as for GHC's unboxed types:
> there are two kinds of typevar * and # and never the twain shall
> meet.  (I think GHC plays some neat tricks to ease the pain of this
> restriction?) 

Yes, GHC has a separate kind for unlifted types.  Unlifted types have
kind #, so you can't pass something of unlifted type to a polymorphic
function or store it in a polymorphic data structure, because ordinary
type variables have kind *.  I think there's a small superkind
relationship, so kind *# is a superkind of both * and #, which is useful
for things like the return type of 'error'.

Do you want your strict types to be truly unlifted?  GHC could usefully
take advantage of that knowledge.
> A semantically correct (but maybe a bit slow) implementation would be
> easy enough:
> 1) let-bind all strict non-atomic subexpressions.
> 2) float strict variable bindings out to nearest enclosing lambda
>    (float out any lazy variable bindings if required)
> 3) Use 'seq' to force all the strict var thunks.
> For example:
>    insert :: a -> (Int#,[a]) -> (Int#,[a])
>    insert x (cnt,xs) = (cnt+1,x:xs)
> ===>
>    insert x (cnt,xs) = let cnt'=cnt+1 in seq cnt' $
>                        (cnt',x:xs)

You have some kind of implicit coercion between Int and Int#.  How does
the type system work here?  In GHC you can't put Int# in a pair, of


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