Heirarchical name space allocation /Trees

Dylan Thurston dpt at lotus.bostoncoop.net
Thu Apr 1 16:27:56 EST 2004

On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:41:22PM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:
> Ross Paterson wrote:
> >On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 01:00:59PM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:
> >
> >>However, I would not mind such a class if it eases other implementions, 
> >>but from a user's point of view, I want different modules with the same 
> >>interface (and as few as possible class constraints).
> Which "same way"? I'm happy with small and useful classes.

Perhaps the problem is that the classes proposed so far for sequences
and other collections have been rather heavy-weight things with a lot
of members.  Maybe if there were an interface that resisted the
temptation to throw everything into the class you would be happier?

> You should ask me, how I feel about the Num class, but maybe even this 
> class is not well suited as comparison with the big "Sequence" class.

So how do you feel about the Num heirarchy?

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