--something accepted as argument of option in GetOpt.hs

JohanMårtensson johan at safelogic.se
Thu Oct 30 12:20:06 EST 2003


I have noticed that GetOpt.hs accepts option arguments starting with a
dash. This might of use in some applications but it may also be a
nuisance, because if you omit the argument of an ReqArg option this may
not be reported as an error because GetOpt just takes the next flag
(staring with a '-') as the argument to the option in question. 

This could be solved by introducing a new constructor in the 'ArgDescr
a' datatype, one that not only requires an argument, but an argument not
starting with '-'.

I think something like this little patch would do the job.

>    | ReqArgNoDash (String       -> a) String -- ^   option requires argument
> fmtShort (ReqArgNoDash _ ad) so = "-" ++ [so] ++ " " ++ ad
> fmtLong (ReqArgNoDash _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "=" ++ ad
>          long [ReqArgNoDash _ d] [] []            = (errReq d optStr,[])
>          long [ReqArgNoDash _ d] [] r@(('-':_):_) = (errReq d optStr,r)
>          long [ReqArgNoDash f _] [] (r:rest)      = (Opt (f r),rest)
>          long [ReqArgNoDash f _] ('=':xs) rest       = (Opt (f xs),rest)
>         short (ReqArgNoDash _ d:_) [] []            = (errReq d optStr,[])
>         short (ReqArgNoDash _ d:_) [] r@(('-':_):_) = (errReq d optStr,r)
>         short (ReqArgNoDash f _:_) [] (r:rest)      = (Opt (f r),rest)
>         short (ReqArgNoDash f _:_) xs rest          = (Opt (f xs),rest)

Johan Martensson, PhD            Office: +46 31 772 81 70       	
R&D                              Mobile: +46 703749681
Safelogic AB                     Fax: +46 31 772 80 91
Stena Center 1C                  johan.martensson at safelogic.se           
SE-412 92 Gothenburg, SWEDEN     PGP key ID A8857A60

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