implementation of file-related modules

Keith Wansbrough Keith.Wansbrough at
Mon Oct 20 11:14:26 EDT 2003

> > Platform.{Debian,FreeBSD,MacOSX,Windows98,Windows2000}.
> >    {configDirectory,fileSeparator,etc}
> I find it harder to think why I would want to know where Windows machines 
> store their configuration files.

Furthermore, the location isn't fixed on Windows: it might be
C:\WINDOWS\System (the most usual), or D:\WINDOWS\System (also
possible), or <arbitrary-windows-path>\System (because the user can
specify anything they like at install time).

So config-file location has to be per machine, not per OS.

Which suggests not putting it in the module
heirarchy... Platform.UK.AC.CAM.CL.GLIA-NT.configDirectory, anyone? :)

--KW 8-)

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