ANNOUNCE: HaXml-1.09
Malcolm Wallace
Fri, 30 May 2003 17:40:37 +0100
We announce a refresh release of the HaXml toolkit for manipulating
XML documents from Haskell. There are no major new features here,
just a bunch of bugfixes, and a few incremental changes in the API.
* ghc-6.0 is supported.
* hmake is no longer required to build HaXml, provided you have ghc --make.
* A new combinator 'path' has been added to Text.XML.HaXml.Combinators,
allowing queries to be expressed in the style of XPath.
* Some of the signatures in Text.XML.HaXml.Xml2Haskell have changed,
in particular, there are new functions readXml and showXml that
convert to/from Strings, hGetXml and hPutXml that use file Handles,
and the old functions that use filenames are renamed to fReadXml
and fWriteXml.
* DtdToHaskell previously generated incorrect code for reading an
XML element given the following DTD fragment: <!ELEMENT foo (a,b)+ >
* The parser had a fault when reading conditional sections nested
inside an IGNORE section in a DTD.
* In Text.XML.HaXml.Html.Generate, all functions now generate HTML
tags in lower-case rather than upper-case, to conform to the XHTML
* DtdToHaskell now accepts NOTATION types for attributes. They are
treated just like enumeration types.
* If you give an output filename as a command-line argument
to DtdToHaskell, it now uses the filename as the basis for the
generated module name.
* Fixed a configuration bug on the Cygwin platform with ghc-5.04.x.
* make install now places the executables (DtdToHaskell, Xtract,
Validate, MkOneOf, Canonicalise) into the directory specified by
./configure --prefix=...