Converting things to and from binary

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Wed, 21 May 2003 09:54:20 -0700 (PDT)

> Er, how exactly does a state transformer allow my implementation of
>     put :: BinHandle -> a -> IO (BinPtr a)
> to get at the extra state?

Sorry, wasn't thinking clearly.  I guess what I had in the back of my mind
was something like this:

What if all the functions had, instead of type signature '... -> IO a',
had signature 'MonadIO m => ... -> m a'?  Presumably this could be done,
essentially lifting all the IO operations into a monad transformer inside
the Binary class.  Then the Binary implementation is happy because it can
use IO as it sees fit, and you're happy because you can piggy-back
whatever you want on top of IO.

This all goes back to SimonM's original questions as to whether there
would be much to be gained from allowing BinMem operations in ST.  If the
answer is "not much", then the MonadIO solution seems reasonable.

> That's not quite what I want, what I want is a way of reading a type
> with an existing binary representation, throwing an exception if you
> try to read too many characters.  Of course it's possible with
> Malcolm's framework to define a set of parallel types to the standard
> Haskell ones (UntrustedInt, UntrustedString, and so on) and define new
> instances of Binary for the lot, but this would be painful in general.
> And you'd have to do it all over again should you want to put something
> else inbetween the individual read/write operations (logging, online
> compression, and so on) and the actual output.

The reason I used String is because it seems somewhat strange to define a
maximum number of "characters" for an arbitrary type.  It seems that the
maximal amount to read should depend on the type you are
reading; otherwise you might end up reading only enough to represent half
of your data structure.

I think perhaps the best you can do in this situation is just to read an
array of word8s of some length and then let your own function do the
checking.  I understand the intent of only reading a certain amount from
an untrusted source, but I'm still unclear as to how it actually works.

 - Hal