monad library
Ross Paterson
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:08:38 +0100
On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 12:40:22AM +0200, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
> 2. currently the monad library is under Unstable.Control.Monad, and i
> would like to move it to some other place, so that we can use it,
> without the need to later rename everything. the core of it should be
> more or less stable. since moving libraries at the moment is quite work
> intensive, it would be nice if we agreed on where to put it, so that we
> don't have to move it again. i propose that we put all the monads under
> Monad, thus one would import Monad.State, Monad.ReaderT, or
> Monad.Transformers. in this way the old monad library can stay under
> Control.Monad and programs that are using it need not change. at some
> point in the future we can decide to remove the old library or it can
> just stay there. and i like the shorter names (not to mention that it
> is not clear what some of the monads have to do with control).
You're asking for a new top-level name Monad. My implession from
SimonM's library document is that the intention is that top-level names
are to be limited (and certainly only added by agreement). In this
particular case monads don't seem broad enough to be a category of
their own, and they are a sort of control structure. Hierarchical
libraries mean changing our expectations about module name length
(e.g. Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Tessellation and the like).
Lucky Haskell has import aliases.
BTW, I've been assembling a small arrow transformer library, and many of
the structuring issues are similar. One issue is how fine grained the
modules should be. You have a module (Unstable.)Control.Monad.Trans
containing transformer classes and also several monad classes. Those
monad classes don't necessarily belong in the transformer module; you
could even have one module for each. With the monolithic module, users
are more likely to need explicit import clauses.
Another issue: typically one works with a stack of transformers sitting
on a base monad. You have functions for adding or removing a transformer
from the top of the stack, and for manipulating the base monad. It might
also be useful to have something to remove a State transformer from
anywhere in the stack, etc.