improvement for Data.List.sort
Frieder Kalisch
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 14:35:36 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
>From libraries/base/Data/List.hs:
> If I heap profile the random_list case with only 10000 then I see
> random_list peaks at using about 2.5M of memory, whereas in the same
> program using List.sort it uses only 100k.
This is because the random number generator is evaluated too lazy.
can make mergesort more eager by replacing it with natural mergesort.
mergesort :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
mergesort cmp = mergesort' cmp . map wrap
gets replaced by
mergesort :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
mergesort cmp = mergesort' cmp . map runner
-- | decomposes list into monotonic runs
runner :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [[a]]
runner _ [] = []
runner cmp l = runner' l
-- | increasing runs
runner' xss@(x:xs) = case findrun (\a b->cmp a b/=GT) [x] xs of
(run, []) -> [reverse run]
([_], _) -> runner'' xss
(run, rest) -> reverse run : runner'' rest
-- | decreasing runs.
-- | We consider (x>y) instead of (x>=y) to ensure stability.
runner'' xss@(x:xs) = case findrun (\a b->cmp a b==GT) [x] xs of
(run, []) -> [run]
([_], _) -> runner' xss
(run, rest) -> run : runner' rest
-- | Do the work.
findrun _ a [] = (a, [])
findrun less a xss@(x:xs)
| (head a) `less` x = findrun less (x:a) xs
| otherwise = (a, xss)
For the Demo attatched, the speedup is more than threefold for N=10^5
and the stack usage drops from 7Mb to below 1M (with flag -O1).
Additionally, natural msort has the additional advantage, that it is
O(N) for (almost) (anti-)sorted lists. It is also a littlebit faster
on average, because runner actually does some work whereas wrap does
Frieder Kalisch
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Demo.hs"
module Main where
import List
import Random
import System
msort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
msort = msortBy compare
msortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
msortBy cmp = msort' cmp . runner cmp
-- | mergesort on a list of runs, i.e.
msort' :: (a->a->Ordering) -> [[a]] -> [a]
msort' _ [] = []
msort' _ [x] = x
msort' cmp list = msort' cmp $ merge' list
merge' [] = []
merge' [x] = [x]
merge' (x1:x2:xs) = merge x1 x2 : merge' xs
-- | merge two runs
merge x [] = x
merge [] y = y
merge xss@(x:xs) yss@(y:ys)
| cmp x y==GT = y: merge xss ys
| otherwise = x: merge xs yss
-- | Decomposes list into monotonic runs. This turns mergesort into natural mergesort.
runner :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [[a]]
runner _ [] = []
runner cmp l = runner' l
-- | increasing runs
runner' xss@(x:xs) = case findrun (\a b->cmp a b/=GT) [x] xs of
(run, []) -> [reverse run]
([_], _) -> runner'' xss
(run, rest) -> reverse run : runner'' rest
-- | decreasing runs.
-- | We consider (x>y) instead of (x>=y) to ensure stability.
runner'' xss@(x:xs) = case findrun (\a b->cmp a b==GT) [x] xs of
(run, []) -> [run]
([_], _) -> runner' xss
(run, rest) -> run : runner' rest
-- | Do the work.
findrun _ a [] = (a, [])
findrun less a xss@(x:xs)
| (head a) `less` x = findrun less (x:a) xs
| otherwise = (a, xss)
force :: [a] -> [a]
force [] = []
force (x:xs) = x `seq` x:force xs
demo0 = sort
demo1 = sort .force
demo2 = msort
demo :: [[Int]->[Int]]
demo = [demo0, demo1, demo2]
main = do
args <- getArgs
let demonum = read $args!!0
sortlength = read $args!!1 in
print .last .(demo!!demonum) .take sortlength .randoms
$mkStdGen 123456789
-- Usage : Demo demonum sortlength
-- sortlength = 10^5 is a suitable value.