Raw I/O library proposal, second (more pragmatic) draft
Seth Kurtzberg
Tue, 5 Aug 2003 00:34:03 -0700
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 12:30 AM, Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Seth Kurtzberg wrote:
>> For my purposes (transaction logging for my database server) I need to
>> be able to guarantee that data is written to disk. That is, it isn't
>> enough to disable buffering in the compiler libraries (all libraries,
>> more accurately), I need to also force the O/S to flush the data to
>> disk.
>> This is difficult to do in a portable manner, obviously, but if a
>> practical way can be found it would have many uses in systems using
>> transactional semantics. It would also get rid of an FFI dependency
>> for my code.
> My intended semantics for the osFlush function was always that it
> would do
> its best to ensure that the data was "pushed as far as possible" toward
> its final destination.
> If you need a guarantee, the function could be made to return a Bool,
> with
> True indicating that it was absolutely sure that the data had made it
> all
> the way. But I don't think that it could ever return True. It might be
> running in a VMware sandbox without realizing it, for example. So
> you'll
> probably have to run tests on your particular setup to see how well it
> works.
That is certainly true, but to get even that far the semantics have to
exist. You've answered my question; osFlush means (assuming that the
O/S can provide the functionality) flush to permanent storage.
> -- Ben
Seth Kurtzberg
ISEC Research and Network Operations Center