FiniteMap: modifyFM

Johannes Waldmann
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 12:35:36 +0200 (MET DST)

> Similar for Sets, lists, and FMs, I'd expect something like 
>         instance Collection a where
>                 empty = ...
>                 (!!) 
>                 cardinality -- or whatever

There is also the option of separating things even further,  like

    class Size a where size :: a -> Int
    class Empty a where empty :: a

ultimately each function is the (single) method of a class. 

for accessing an indexed collection , write

    class Bang c where (!!) : c a b -> a -> b

(this is AssocX.lookup in Edison,

even better, since this is actually a (partial) mapping, 
change (!!) to ($), and we have unified notation for
functions, arrays, lists, finite maps... 

not entirely joking,
-- Johannes Waldmann ---- --
-- -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --