FiniteMap: modifyFM

Jon Fairbairn
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:43:17 +0100

> | so addToFM_C would become modifyFM
> |    addListToFM_C ----"--- listModifyFM
> |
> | etc. I think names with words rather than abbreviations are
> | easier to read when returning to something after a long
> | period of absence.
> =

> I agree.  Though "addTo" is hardly an abbreviation.

Um, I meant the "_C"

> Actually for finite maps etc, we've found "extendFM" to work
> nicely (better than addTo).  Have a look at the nomenclature
> for (say) basicTypes/NameEnv.lhs in GHC's sources.
> =

> Changing the names breaks programs, though.

Omelettes!  And ghc has an option to deprecate things (I
don't know about other compiler), so there's a
straightforward upgrade path.


-- =

J=F3n Fairbairn                       