getting a Binary module into the standard libs
Hal Daume III
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 11:49:44 -0800 (PST)
> I've made one or two small changes, the new version is attached.
I've updated the version linked to the web to reflect these changes.
> Compile it with -O -funbox-strict-fields. The library was designed with
> -funbox-strict-fields in mind (sorry I should have put a prominent
> comment to that effect somewhere in the source). It makes a *big*
> difference, especially to BinMem.
I'll keep this in mind.
> I'll take a closer look if I get a chance later.
As will I. I will be out of town for the next ~10 days, so don't expect
much during that time :).
Happy holidays!
- Hal