Core libs summary

Simon Marlow
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 10:07:23 +0100

> > I've gone through and put in a best guess for the
> > stability/portability status, so let me know if you think any are
> > wrong (Hugs, NHC folks: remember that every module marked "portable"
> > is expected to be available on all implementations - so if any of
> > these are going to cause problems, let me know).
> (Without having looked at it at all) I'm half expecting to have to
> tweak the Foreign interface a bit since the low level grungy stuff is
> where compiler differences are hardest to hide. =20

I hope you won't have to change it, but we can discuss it on if there's anything that will be too hard to implement
in Hugs (actually, I seriously doubt it because if you can run H/Direct
and green card code on Hugs, the Foreign libraries are just a different
veneer over the primitives).

> Does it work on NHC?  (In which case changes are a lot less likely)
> I remember that one of the ForeignObj-like datatypes pretty much
> requires threads to implement it because the finaliser is an arbitrary
> piece of Haskell code.  This would be hard to support in Hugs and I
> expect NHC would have problems too.

I seem to recall NHC having some difficulty with this... Malcolm?
