[jhc] user-kinds, what am I doing wrong?

Wojtek Narczyński wojtek at power.com.pl
Wed Nov 19 13:33:46 UTC 2014


Out of curiosity, I tried user defined kinds.

wojtek at biuro:~/src/he $ cat udk.hs

data kind Nat = Z | S Nat

wojtek at biuro:~/src/he $ jhc -fuser-kinds udk.hs
jhc -fuser-kinds udk.hs
jhc 0.8.2 (mydniquipepo-32)
Finding Dependencies...
Using Ho Cache: '/home/wojtek/.jhc/cache'

udk.hs:2   - Error: Illegal data/newtype declaration

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards,
Wojtek Narczyński

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