[jhc] Fwd: darcs patch: No use haskell98 (and 3 more)

Kiwamu Okabe kiwamu at debian.or.jp
Tue Sep 24 14:00:27 CEST 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <kiwamu at debian.or.jp>
Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 5:09 PM
Subject: darcs patch: No use haskell98 (and 3 more)
To: Darcs Patch DrIFT <john at repetae.net>

4 patches for repository http://repetae.net/repos/DrIFT:

Thu Mar 28 14:42:41 JST 2013  kiwamu at debian.or.jp
  * No use haskell98

Thu Mar 28 14:46:52 JST 2013  kiwamu at debian.or.jp
  * Cabalize DrIFT.

Thu Mar 28 21:59:35 JST 2013  kiwamu at debian.or.jp
  * Build Haskell pacakge (cabal) with the command "make cabal-install".

Fri Sep 13 17:08:13 JST 2013  kiwamu at debian.or.jp
  * Change haskell package name, version name as library to be
depended by other package.

[No use haskell98
kiwamu at debian.or.jp**20130328054241
 Ignore-this: 76849fb71f3f26260434c8fcc5da7976
] {
hunk ./configure.ac 19

-hide-all-packages -package haskell98"])
+GHC_CHECK_MODULE([System.IO],[],[],[],[HCFLAGS="$HCFLAGS -hide-all-packages"])

hunk ./src/ChaseImports.hs 27
 import DataP
 import CommandP
 import ParseLib2
-import System
-import List
+import System.Environment
+import Data.List
 import qualified Unlit
hunk ./src/ChaseImports.hs 30
-import Monad
+import Control.Monad
 import GenUtil

 try x = catch (x >>= return . Right) (return . Left)
hunk ./src/DataP.lhs 13

 >import ParseLib2
->import Char
->import List
->import Monad
+>import Data.Char
+>import Data.List

 >data Statement = DataStmt | NewTypeStmt deriving (Eq,Show)
 >data Data = D {       name :: Name,           -- type name
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 10
 import DataP
 import GenUtil
 import GetOpt
-import Char
-import IO hiding(try)
-import List (partition,isSuffixOf,sort, groupBy, sortBy)
-import Monad(unless)
+import Data.List (partition,isSuffixOf,sort, groupBy, sortBy)
+import Control.Monad(unless)
 import PreludData(preludeData)
 import Pretty
 import RuleUtils (commentLine,texts)
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 18
 import RuleUtils(Rule,Tag)
 import Version
 import qualified Rules(rules)
-import qualified System
+import System.IO
+import System.Environment
+import Data.Char

 data Op = OpList | OpDerive | OpVersion

hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 81

 header = "Usage: DrIFT [OPTION...] file"
 main = do
-    argv <- System.getArgs
+    argv <- getArgs
     (env,n) <- case (getOpt Permute options argv) of
        (as,n,[]) -> return (foldr ($) env as ,n)
        (_,_,errs) -> putErrDie (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options)
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 42
     -- ** Simple deconstruction
     -- ** System routines
-    exitSuccess, System.exitFailure, epoch, lookupEnv,endOfTime,
+    exitSuccess, exitFailure, epoch, lookupEnv,endOfTime,
     -- ** Random routines
     liftT2, liftT3, liftT4,
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 94
     ) where

-import Char(isAlphaNum, isSpace, toLower,  ord)
-import List(group,sort)
-import List(intersperse, sortBy, groupBy)
-import Monad
-import qualified IO
-import qualified System
-import Random(StdGen, newStdGen, Random(randomR))
-import Time
+import System.Time
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
+import System.Exit(exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
+import System.Environment
+import Control.Monad(join, liftM, MonadPlus, mzero)
+import System.Random(StdGen, newStdGen, Random(randomR))
+import Data.Char(isAlphaNum, isSpace, toLower,  ord)
+import Data.List(group,sort)
+import Data.List(intersperse, sortBy, groupBy)
+-- import Random(StdGen, newStdGen, Random(randomR))

 {-# SPECIALIZE snub :: [String] -> [String] #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE snub :: [Int] -> [Int] #-}
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 133

 -- | write string to standard error
 putErr :: String -> IO ()
-putErr = IO.hPutStr IO.stderr
+putErr = System.IO.hPutStr System.IO.stderr

 -- | write string and newline to standard error
 putErrLn :: String -> IO ()
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 143
 -- | write string and newline to standard error,
 -- then exit program with failure.
 putErrDie :: String -> IO a
-putErrDie s = putErrLn s >> System.exitFailure
+putErrDie s = putErrLn s >> exitFailure

 -- | exit program successfully. 'exitFailure' is
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 149
 -- also exported from System.
 exitSuccess :: IO a
-exitSuccess = System.exitWith System.ExitSuccess
+exitSuccess = exitWith ExitSuccess

 {-# INLINE fromRight #-}
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 387
 -- | looks up an enviornment variable and returns it in a 'MonadPlus' rather
 -- than raising an exception if the variable is not set.
 lookupEnv :: MonadPlus m => String -> IO (m String)
-lookupEnv s = catch (fmap return $ System.getEnv s) (\e -> if
IO.isDoesNotExistError e then return mzero else ioError e)
+lookupEnv s = catch (fmap return $ getEnv s) (\e -> if
isDoesNotExistError e then return mzero else ioError e)

 {-# SPECIALIZE fmapLeft :: (a -> c) -> [(Either a b)] -> [(Either c b)] #-}
 fmapLeft :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> f (Either a b) -> f (Either c b)
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 501
 -- arguments are given, read stdin.

 getArgContents = do
-    as <- System.getArgs
+    as <- getArgs
     let f "-" = getContents
         f fn = readFile fn
     cs <- mapM f as
hunk ./src/GetOpt.hs 24
    ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), usageInfo, getOpt
    ) where

-import List(isPrefixOf)
+import Data.List(isPrefixOf)

 data ArgOrder a                        -- what to do with options
following non-options:
    = RequireOrder                      --    no option processing
after first non-option
hunk ./src/ParseLib2.hs 34
     opt, skipUntil, skipUntilOff,skipUntilParse,skipNest) where

-import Char
-import Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Control.Monad

 infixr 5 +++

hunk ./src/Rules/Arbitrary.hs 3
 module Rules.Arbitrary(rules) where

-import List
+import Data.List
 import RuleUtils

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/Binary.hs 3
 module Rules.Binary(rules) where

-import List (nub,intersperse)
+import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
 import RuleUtils

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/BitsBinary.hs 4
 -- stub module to add your own rules.
 module Rules.BitsBinary(rules) where

-import List (nub,intersperse)
+import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
 import RuleUtils -- useful to have a look at this too

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/FunctorM.hs 4
 -- stub module to add your own rules.
 module Rules.FunctorM (rules) where

-import List
+import Data.List
 import RuleUtils

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/Generic.hs 6

 -- import StandardRules
 import RuleUtils
-import List(intersperse)
+import Data.List(intersperse)

 rules :: [RuleDef]
hunk ./src/Rules/GhcBinary.hs 4
 -- stub module to add your own rules.
 module Rules.GhcBinary (rules) where

-import List (nub,intersperse)
+import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
 import RuleUtils -- useful to have a look at this too

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/Monoid.hs 4
 -- stub module to add your own rules.
 module Rules.Monoid (rules) where

-import List
 import RuleUtils

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/Standard.hs 4
 module Rules.Standard(rules) where

 import RuleUtils
-import List
+import Data.List
 import GenUtil

hunk ./src/Rules/Utility.hs 3
 module Rules.Utility(rules) where
 import RuleUtils
-import List
 import GenUtil

 rules :: [RuleDef]
hunk ./src/Rules/Xml.hs 4
 -- expanded from stub module to add new rules.
 module Rules.Xml(rules) where

-import List (nub,sortBy)
+import Data.List (nub,sortBy)
 import RuleUtils -- useful to have a look at this too

 rules :: [RuleDef]
hunk ./src/Unlit.hs 7
 -- "Report on the Programming Language Haskell",
 --   version 1.2, appendix C.

-import Char
+import Data.Char

 data Classified = Program String | Blank | Comment
                 | Include Int String | Pre String
[Cabalize DrIFT.
kiwamu at debian.or.jp**20130328054652
 Ignore-this: 58f7a821c63d8f12da83d2726352771c
] {
addfile ./DrIFT-cabalized.cabal
hunk ./DrIFT-cabalized.cabal 1
+name:                DrIFT-cabalized
+synopsis:            Program to derive type class instances
+description:         DrIFT is a type sensitive preprocessor for
Haskell. It extracts type declarations
+                     and directives from modules. The directives
cause rules to be fired on the parsed
+                     type declarations, generating new code which is
then appended to the bottom of the input
+                     file. The rules are expressed as Haskell code,
and it is intended that the user can add new
+                     rules as required.
+                     .
+                     DrIFT automates instance derivation for classes
that aren't supported by the standard compilers.
+                     In addition, instances can be produced in
seperate modules to that containing the type declaration.
+                     This allows instances to be derived for a type
after the original module has been compiled.
+                     As a bonus, simple utility functions can also be
produced from a type.
+                     .
+                     This package was cabalized by gwern <gwern0 at gmail.com>.
+category:            Data Structures
+license:             BSD3
+license-file:        LICENSE
+-- For contributors & what they did, see AUTHORS
+author:              Noel Winstanley, John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
+maintainer:          <gwern0 at gmail.com>, Kiwamu Okabe <kiwamu at debian.or.jp>
+homepage:            http://repetae.net/computer/haskell/DrIFT/
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.6
+build-type:   Simple
+data-files:   AUTHORS, Changelog, README, README.old,
code/README.txt, docs/drift.texi, docs/drift.info,
+              example/README, example/TestTerm.out.correct
+       code/GhcBinary.hs, code/FunctorM.hs, example/TestTerm.hs,
example/BTree.hs, example/Foo.lhs,
+       example/Xref.hs, example/Artifical.hs, example/Example.hs
+source-repository head
+  type:     git
+  location: https://github.com/ajhc/drift.git
+executable DrIFT-cabalized
+    build-depends:  base, random, old-time
+    main-is:        DrIFT.hs
+    hs-source-dirs: src, ./
+    other-modules: CommandP, Version, GenUtil, Rules, Rules.Binary,
+                   Rules.GhcBinary, Rules.Arbitrary,
+                   Rules.Monoid, Rules.BitsBinary, Rules.Xml,
+                   Rules.Utility, Rules.Generic, Rules.Standard,
+                   Rules.FunctorM, PreludData, ParseLib2,
+                   DataP, ChaseImports, Pretty, RuleUtils,
+                   Unlit, GetOpt
+    ghc-options:    -Wall
+executable DrIFT-cabalized-ghc
+    build-depends: base, process
+    main-is:       drift-ghc.hs
+    ghc-options:  -Wall
addfile ./drift-ghc.hs
hunk ./drift-ghc.hs 1
+import Data.List (isInfixOf)
+import System.Cmd (rawSystem)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
+import Paths_DrIFT_cabalized  (getBinDir)
hunk ./drift-ghc.hs 7
+main :: IO ExitCode
+main = do args <- getArgs
+          case args of
+            (a:b:c:[]) -> conditional a b c
+            _ -> error "This is a driver script allowing DrIFT to be
used seamlessly with ghc.\n \
+                       \ in order to use it, pass '-pgmF drift-ghc
-F' to ghc when compiling your programs."
+conditional ::  FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ExitCode
+conditional orgnl inf outf = do prefix <- getBinDir
+                                infile <- readFile inf
+                                if "{-!" `isInfixOf` infile then do
putStrLn (prefix ++ "DriFT-cabalized " ++
        inf ++ " -o " ++ outf)
rawSystem inf ["-o", outf]
+                                 else do writeFile outf ("{-# LINE 1
\"" ++ orgnl ++ " #-}")
+                                         readFile inf >>= appendFile outf
+                                         return ExitSuccess
+{- GHC docs say: "-pgmF cmd
+   Use cmd as the pre-processor (with -F only).
+Use -pgmF cmd  to select the program to use as the preprocessor.
+When invoked, the cmd pre-processor is given at least three arguments
on its command-line:
+1. the first argument is the name of the original source file,
+2. the second is the name of the file holding the input
+3. third is the name of the file where cmd should write its output to." -}
[Build Haskell pacakge (cabal) with the command "make cabal-install".
kiwamu at debian.or.jp**20130328125935
 Ignore-this: 918ff70482a3aa96ef83983e6a69e0b8
] {
hunk ./Makefile.am 45
        make -C $(PUBLISH_DIR) || true

+       make -C src Rules.hs
+cabal-install: src/Rules.hs docs/drift.info
+       cabal install
+cabal-dist: src/Rules.hs docs/drift.info
+       runhaskell Setup.hs sdist

 rpm: depend $(PACKAGE_NAME).spec dist
        cp $(PACKAGE_NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(HOME)/var/rpm/SOURCES/
addfile ./Setup.hs
hunk ./Setup.hs 1
+module Main (main) where
+import Distribution.Simple
+main :: IO ()
+main = defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks
[Change haskell package name, version name as library to be depended
by other package.
kiwamu at debian.or.jp**20130913080813
 Ignore-this: c836346d41f5207f9e6a1a33708b3349
] {
hunk ./Changelog 1
+  * Publish DrIFT in HackageDB.
+  * Get less warning message.
   * redid build model, collect deriving rules automatically.

hunk ./DrIFT-cabalized.cabal 1
-name:                DrIFT-cabalized
-synopsis:            Program to derive type class instances
-description:         DrIFT is a type sensitive preprocessor for
Haskell. It extracts type declarations
-                     and directives from modules. The directives
cause rules to be fired on the parsed
-                     type declarations, generating new code which is
then appended to the bottom of the input
-                     file. The rules are expressed as Haskell code,
and it is intended that the user can add new
-                     rules as required.
-                     .
-                     DrIFT automates instance derivation for classes
that aren't supported by the standard compilers.
-                     In addition, instances can be produced in
seperate modules to that containing the type declaration.
-                     This allows instances to be derived for a type
after the original module has been compiled.
-                     As a bonus, simple utility functions can also be
produced from a type.
-                     .
-                     This package was cabalized by gwern <gwern0 at gmail.com>.
-category:            Data Structures
-license:             BSD3
-license-file:        LICENSE
--- For contributors & what they did, see AUTHORS
-author:              Noel Winstanley, John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
-maintainer:          <gwern0 at gmail.com>, Kiwamu Okabe <kiwamu at debian.or.jp>
-homepage:            http://repetae.net/computer/haskell/DrIFT/
-Cabal-Version: >= 1.6
-build-type:   Simple
-data-files:   AUTHORS, Changelog, README, README.old,
code/README.txt, docs/drift.texi, docs/drift.info,
-              example/README, example/TestTerm.out.correct
-       code/GhcBinary.hs, code/FunctorM.hs, example/TestTerm.hs,
example/BTree.hs, example/Foo.lhs,
-       example/Xref.hs, example/Artifical.hs, example/Example.hs
-source-repository head
-  type:     git
-  location: https://github.com/ajhc/drift.git
-executable DrIFT-cabalized
-    build-depends:  base, random, old-time
-    main-is:        DrIFT.hs
-    hs-source-dirs: src, ./
-    other-modules: CommandP, Version, GenUtil, Rules, Rules.Binary,
-                   Rules.GhcBinary, Rules.Arbitrary,
-                   Rules.Monoid, Rules.BitsBinary, Rules.Xml,
-                   Rules.Utility, Rules.Generic, Rules.Standard,
-                   Rules.FunctorM, PreludData, ParseLib2,
-                   DataP, ChaseImports, Pretty, RuleUtils,
-                   Unlit, GetOpt
-    ghc-options:    -Wall
-executable DrIFT-cabalized-ghc
-    build-depends: base, process
-    main-is:       drift-ghc.hs
-    ghc-options:  -Wall
rmfile ./DrIFT-cabalized.cabal
addfile ./DrIFT.cabal.in
hunk ./DrIFT.cabal.in 1
+name:                DrIFT
+version:             @VERSION@
+synopsis:            Program to derive type class instances
+description:         Today Data.Derive
<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/derive> is good another solution
for DrFIT.
+                     See the User Manual
+                     .
+                     DrIFT is a type sensitive preprocessor for
Haskell. It extracts type declarations
+                     and directives from modules. The directives
cause rules to be fired on the parsed
+                     type declarations, generating new code which is
then appended to the bottom of the input
+                     file. The rules are expressed as Haskell code,
and it is intended that the user can add new
+                     rules as required.
+                     .
+                     DrIFT automates instance derivation for classes
that aren't supported by the standard compilers.
+                     In addition, instances can be produced in
seperate modules to that containing the type declaration.
+                     This allows instances to be derived for a type
after the original module has been compiled.
+                     As a bonus, simple utility functions can also be
produced from a type.
+                     .
+                     This package was cabalized by gwern <gwern0 at gmail.com>.
+category:            Data Structures
+license:             BSD3
+license-file:        LICENSE
+-- For contributors & what they did, see AUTHORS
+author:              Noel Winstanley, John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
+maintainer:          gwern <gwern0 at gmail.com>, Metasepi team
<metasepi at gmail.com>
+homepage:            http://repetae.net/computer/haskell/DrIFT/
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.8
+build-type:   Simple
+data-files:   AUTHORS, Changelog, README.md, README.old,
code/README.txt, docs/drift.texi, docs/drift.info,
+              example/README, example/TestTerm.out.correct
+       code/GhcBinary.hs, code/FunctorM.hs, example/TestTerm.hs,
example/BTree.hs, example/Foo.lhs,
+       example/Xref.hs, example/Artifical.hs, example/Example.hs
+source-repository head
+  type:     git
+  location: https://github.com/ajhc/drift.git
+    hs-source-dirs:  src
+    build-depends:   base >= 4.0 && < 5
+    exposed-modules: DrIFT.Version
+    ghc-options:     -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
-fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-matches
-fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-missing-signatures
+executable DrIFT
+    build-depends:  base >= 4.0 && < 5, random, old-time, DrIFT
+    main-is:        DrIFT.hs
+    hs-source-dirs: src
+    other-modules: CommandP, GenUtil, Rules, Rules.Binary,
+                   Rules.GhcBinary, Rules.Arbitrary,
+                   Rules.Monoid, Rules.BitsBinary, Rules.Xml,
+                   Rules.Utility, Rules.Generic, Rules.Standard,
+                   Rules.FunctorM, PreludData, ParseLib2,
+                   DataP, ChaseImports, Pretty, RuleUtils,
+                   Unlit, GetOpt
+    ghc-options:    -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
-fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-matches
-fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-missing-signatures
+executable drift-ghc
+    build-depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5, process
+    main-is:       drift-ghc.hs
+    ghc-options:  -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing
-fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-matches
-fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-missing-signatures
hunk ./Makefile.am 16
              Changelog README.old drift-ghc.in code \
              code/FunctorM.hs code/GhcBinary.hs code/README.txt \
             ac-macros/acincludepackage.m4 LICENSE docs/drift.html \
-            DrIFT.spec
+            DrIFT.spec DrIFT-cabalized.cabal

 bin_SCRIPTS = drift-ghc

hunk ./configure.ac 1
-AC_INIT([DrIFT],[2.2.3],john at repetae.net, [DrIFT])
+AC_INIT([DrIFT],[2.4.1],john at repetae.net, [DrIFT])
hunk ./configure.ac 32
-       src/Version.hs
+       src/DrIFT/Version.hs

hunk ./configure.ac 36
+        DrIFT.cabal
hunk ./drift-ghc.hs 5
 import System.Cmd (rawSystem)
 import System.Environment (getArgs)
 import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
-import Paths_DrIFT_cabalized  (getBinDir)
+import Paths_DrIFT (getBinDir)

 main :: IO ExitCode
 main = do args <- getArgs
hunk ./src/ChaseImports.hs 33
 import Control.Monad
 import GenUtil

-try x = catch (x >>= return . Right) (return . Left)
+try x = iocatch (x >>= return . Right) (return . Left)

 --- Split up input ---------------------------------------------------------
 splitString :: String -> String -> (String,String)
adddir ./src/DrIFT
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 16
 import Pretty
 import RuleUtils (commentLine,texts)
 import RuleUtils(Rule,Tag)
-import Version
+import DrIFT.Version
 import qualified Rules(rules)
 import System.IO
 import System.Environment
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 36

+env :: Env
 env = Env {
     envVerbose = False,
     envOutput = Nothing,
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 49

+getOutput :: Env -> IO Handle
 getOutput e = maybe (return stdout) (\fn -> openFile fn WriteMode)
(envOutput e)

 options :: [OptDescr (Env -> Env)]
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 65
     , Option ['i'] ["ignore"]  (NoArg (\e->e{envIgnoreDirectives =
True})) "ignore directives in file. useful with -g"

+setArg :: String -> Env -> Env
 setArg x e = e {envArgs = (n, tail rest):(envArgs e)} where
     (n,rest) = span (/= ':') x
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 68
+addGlobalRule :: Tag -> Env -> Env
 addGlobalRule x e = e {envGlobalRules = x:(envGlobalRules e)}

hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 78
     fstEq (a,_) (b,_) = a == b
     fstOrd (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b

+doList :: IO ()
 doList = do
     let rn = categorize [(c,(n,h)) | (n,_,c,h,_) <- Rules.rules]
     putStrLn $ unlines $ buildTableLL $ concat [ (c ++ ":","") : (map
(\(a,b) -> ("   " ++ a, b)) $ sort xs)| (c,xs)<- rn]
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 84

+header :: String
 header = "Usage: DrIFT [OPTION...] file"
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 86
+main :: IO ()
 main = do
     argv <- getArgs
     (env,n) <- case (getOpt Permute options argv) of
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 101

+derive :: Env -> FilePath -> IO ()
 derive env fname = do
     let findent xs = f (lines xs) where
             f (x:xs) = let (w,n) = span isSpace x in case n of
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 126
     hFlush handle

+addGlobals :: Env -> [([Tag], Data)] -> [([Tag], Data)]
 addGlobals env tds    =  (envGlobalRules env,Directive):concatMap f tds where
     f x | not (envIgnoreDirectives env) = [x]
     f (_,Directive)  = []
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 134
     f (_,d) = [([],d)]

+rules :: [(String, Data -> Doc)]
 rules = map (\(a,b,_,_,_) -> (a,b)) Rules.rules
 -- codeRender doc = fullRender PageMode 80 1 doc "" -- now obsolete
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 137
+vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
 vsep = vcat . map ($$ (text ""))
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 139
+sepDoc :: Doc
 sepDoc = commentLine . text $ " Imported from other files :-"

 backup :: FilePath -> FilePath
hunk ./src/DrIFT.hs 166
 find :: Tag -> [Rule] -> (Data -> Doc)
 find t r = case filter ((==t) . fst) $ r of
                [] -> const (commentLine warning)
-               (x:xs) -> snd x
+               (x:_) -> snd x
    warning = hsep . texts $ ["Warning : Rule",t,"not found."]

addfile ./src/DrIFT/Version.hs.in
hunk ./src/DrIFT/Version.hs.in 1
+module DrIFT.Version(package, version, fullName) where
+package :: String
+package = "@PACKAGE@"
+version :: String
+version = "@VERSION@"
+fullName :: String
+fullName = package ++ "-" ++ version
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 89
+    iocatch,

     -- * Classes
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 97

 import System.Time
 import System.IO
-import System.IO.Error
+import System.IO.Error(isDoesNotExistError)
+import Control.Exception
 import System.Exit(exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 100
-import System.Environment
+import System.Environment(getArgs, getEnv)
 import Control.Monad(join, liftM, MonadPlus, mzero)
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 102
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
 import System.Random(StdGen, newStdGen, Random(randomR))
 import Data.Char(isAlphaNum, isSpace, toLower,  ord)
 import Data.List(group,sort)
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 112
 {-# SPECIALIZE snub :: [String] -> [String] #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE snub :: [Int] -> [Int] #-}

+-- | catch function only for IOException
+iocatch :: IO a -> (IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
+iocatch = catch
 -- | sorted nub of list, much more efficient than nub, but doesnt
preserve ordering.
 snub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
 snub = map head . group . sort
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 220
 snds :: [(a,b)] -> [b]
 snds = map snd

-{-# INLINE repeatM #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE repeatM :: IO a -> IO [a] #-}
 repeatM :: Monad m => m a -> m [a]
 repeatM x = sequence $ repeat x
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 224

-{-# INLINE repeatM_ #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE repeatM_ :: IO a -> IO () #-}
 repeatM_ :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
 repeatM_ x = sequence_ $ repeat x
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 228

-{-# INLINE replicateM #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE replicateM :: Int -> IO a -> IO [a] #-}
 replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
 replicateM n x = sequence $ replicate n x
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 232

-{-# INLINE replicateM_ #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE replicateM_ :: Int -> IO a -> IO () #-}
 replicateM_ :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m ()
 replicateM_ n x = sequence_ $ replicate n x
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 293
 lefts xs = [x | Left x <- xs]

 ioM :: Monad m => IO a -> IO (m a)
-ioM action = catch (fmap return action) (\e -> return (fail (show e)))
+ioM action = iocatch (fmap return action) (\e -> return (fail (show e)))

 ioMp :: MonadPlus m => IO a -> IO (m a)
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 296
-ioMp action = catch (fmap return action) (\_ -> return mzero)
+ioMp action = iocatch (fmap return action) (\_ -> return mzero)

 -- | reformat a string to not be wider than a given width, breaking it up
 -- between words.
hunk ./src/GenUtil.hs 390
 -- | looks up an enviornment variable and returns it in a 'MonadPlus' rather
 -- than raising an exception if the variable is not set.
 lookupEnv :: MonadPlus m => String -> IO (m String)
-lookupEnv s = catch (fmap return $ getEnv s) (\e -> if
isDoesNotExistError e then return mzero else ioError e)
+lookupEnv s = iocatch (fmap return $ getEnv s) (\e -> if
isDoesNotExistError e then return mzero else ioError e)

 {-# SPECIALIZE fmapLeft :: (a -> c) -> [(Either a b)] -> [(Either c b)] #-}
 fmapLeft :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> f (Either a b) -> f (Either c b)
hunk ./src/Makefile.am 10

 DrIFT_SOURCES = ${RULES} ChaseImports.hs CommandP.hs DataP.lhs
DrIFT.hs GetOpt.hs \
-   Unlit.hs ParseLib2.hs PreludData.hs Pretty.lhs RuleUtils.hs
Version.hs GenUtil.hs
+   Unlit.hs ParseLib2.hs PreludData.hs Pretty.lhs RuleUtils.hs GenUtil.hs

 # DrIFT_static_LINK = $(DrIFT_LINK) -static -optl-static -ldl
hunk ./src/Makefile.am 31

 # all: DrIFT
        $(HC) $(HCFLAGS) -i. -i at srcdir@ -hidir . -odir . -o $@ --make

hunk ./src/Rules/Binary.hs 3
 module Rules.Binary(rules) where

-import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
+-- import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
 import RuleUtils

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/BitsBinary.hs 4
 -- stub module to add your own rules.
 module Rules.BitsBinary(rules) where

-import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
+import Data.List (intersperse)
 import RuleUtils -- useful to have a look at this too

 rules = [
hunk ./src/Rules/Utility.hs 3
 module Rules.Utility(rules) where
 import RuleUtils
-import GenUtil
+-- import GenUtil

 rules :: [RuleDef]
 rules = [("Query",queryGen, "Utility", "provide a QueryFoo class with
'is', 'has', 'from', and 'get' routines", Nothing) ]
hunk ./src/Version.hs.in 1
-module Version(package, version, fullName) where
-package = "@PACKAGE@"
-version = "@VERSION@"
-fullName = package ++ "-" ++ version
rmfile ./src/Version.hs.in

Kiwamu Okabe
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