[jhc] darcs patch: Explicitly use base-4 and syb package. (GHC 6.10 only?)

John Meacham john at repetae.net
Mon Jun 22 14:24:50 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:16:52AM -0700, Corey O'Connor wrote:
> On another topic: Currently my build of JHC fails when trying to build
> the containers library due to missing functionality in the
> Data.Typeable module. Is this a known issue?

Ah, the included replacement for 'Typeable.h' should have been included.
ideally I will replace the empty definitions with ones that use
'standalone deriving' at some point.


John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈ - http://notanumber.net/
-------------- next part --------------

-- // This file is for backwards compatability with libraries that depend on the ghc internal typeable mechanism

#define INSTANCE_TYPEABLE0(tycon,y,z) deriving instance Typeable tycon

#define INSTANCE_TYPEABLE1(tycon,y,z) deriving instance Typeable1 tycon

#define INSTANCE_TYPEABLE2(tycon,y,z) deriving instance Typeable2 tycon

#define INSTANCE_TYPEABLE3(tycon,y,z) deriving instance Typeable3 tycon

#define INSTANCE_TYPEABLE4(tycon,y,z) deriving instance Typeable4 tycon


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