[jhc] darcs patch: Correct dependencies for JHC lib targets

coreyoconnor at gmail.com coreyoconnor at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 00:48:17 EDT 2009

Sun Jun 21 19:30:04 PDT 2009  coreyoconnor at gmail.com
  * Correct dependencies for JHC lib targets
  Added the libs target to local-all. Previously the libs target was in an install hook which resulted
  in the libs being built as the user executing "make install"
  Modifications to the sources the JHC libs did not result in a recompile of the lib as expected. 
  Made the JHC_LIBS targets phony. This causes them to be executed regardless of the state of the
  target file. JHC appears to perform the required dependency tracking just fine.
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