[jhc] darcs patch: haskell98 should re-export Prelude and N... (and 4 more)

Mark Wotton mwotton at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 01:08:07 EDT 2009

I'm probably doing something silly, but using this release a minimal  
test program no longer compiles for me.

15:05 ~/projects/linux/tmp % cat tiny.hs
main = putStrLn "foo"
15:05 ~/projects/linux/tmp % jhc tiny.hs
jhc tiny.hs
jhc 0.6.2 (-n krasyupheasy-10
Finding Dependencies...
Using Ho Cache: '/Users/mwotton/.jhc/cache'
Library was not found 'jhc'

15:05[1] ~/projects/linux/tmp % ls -al /usr/local/share/jhc-0.6/
total 2432
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     admin     272 19 Aug 15:04 .
drwxr-xr-x  41 mwotton  admin    1394 14 Aug 12:17 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root     admin   42641 19 Aug 14:54 applicative-1.0.hl
-rw-r--r--   1 root     admin  275418 19 Aug 14:54 base-1.0.hl
-rw-r--r--   1 root     admin  483755 19 Aug 14:54 containers-0.2.0.hl
-rw-r--r--   1 root     admin    4321 19 Aug 14:54 haskell98-1.0.hl
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     admin     102 19 Aug 14:54 include
-rw-r--r--   1 root     admin  424014 19 Aug 14:54 jhc-1.0.hl
15:05 ~/projects/linux/tmp %

Any tips?


On 19/08/2009, at 2:12 PM, John Meacham wrote:

> Thu Aug 13 19:26:59 PDT 2009  John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
> * haskell98 should re-export Prelude and Numeric
> Thu Aug 13 19:36:17 PDT 2009  John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
> * clean up documentation, rename all environment variable to have a  
> consistent JHC_ prefix
> Mon Aug 17 16:10:29 PDT 2009  John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
> * clean up stats some
> Tue Aug 18 20:52:36 PDT 2009  John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
> * redo libraries such that only names from explicitly imported  
> libraries are visible to the program being compiled.
> Tue Aug 18 21:10:30 PDT 2009  John Meacham <john at repetae.net>
> * add fix for compiling on MacOSX, thanks to Mark Wotton.
> New patches:
> [haskell98 should re-export Prelude and Numeric
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090814022659
> Ignore-this: bef4212af66c50e1220e752382337006
> ] hunk ./lib/haskell98.cabal 18
> build-depends:	base
> exposed-modules:
> 	-- Haskell 98 (Prelude and Numeric are in the base package)
> -	Array, CPUTime, Char, Complex, Directory, IO, Ix, List, Locale,
> +	Prelude, Numeric, Array, CPUTime, Char, Complex, Directory, IO,  
> Ix, List, Locale,
> 	Maybe, Monad, Random, Ratio, System, Time,
> [clean up documentation, rename all environment variable to have a  
> consistent JHC_ prefix
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090814023617
> Ignore-this: 1dffad758c102990317e7fdbf658b9a3
> ] hunk ./docs/using.txt 1
> -= Using jhc =
> -
> -Installation of jhc involves building the jhc binary, placing it  
> somewhere you
> -can execute it and putting the libraries somewhere.
> -
> -=== Building jhc ===
> -
> -building jhc requires the most recent version of DrIFT 2.2.1 or  
> better, which
> -can be gotten at http://repetae.net/john/computer/haskell/DrIFT/,  
> GHC 6.6,
> -happy, Perl, and having darcs will help keep updated with the  
> newest version
> -and submit patches.
> -
> -==== Getting the source ====
> -
> -Because jhc uses subrepositories, you need to use multiple darcs  
> commands to
> -pull everything needed to build jhc.
> -
> -  darcs get http://repetae.net/john/repos/jhc
> -  cd jhc
> -  darcs get http://repetae.net/john/repos/Doc
> -  cd lib
> -  darcs get http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/haskell98/
> -  darcs get http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/QuickCheck/
> -
> -The binary and zlib packages also need to be installed.
> -
> -  http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/binary/
> -  http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/zlib/
> -
> -==== making it ====
> -
> -Assuming you have ghc 6.6, happy, and DrIFT installed, you may now  
> run GNU
> -make by typing 'gmake' or just 'make' depending on your system and  
> get a
> -binary 'jhc' out if nothing went wrong.
> -
> -Installation is done with 'gmake install' or for a custom  
> installation
> -prefix 'gmake install PREFIX=/foo/bar'. This will install jhc and  
> jhci
> -in ${PREFIX}/bin and base libraries in ${PREFIX}/lib, from where they
> -are automatically included when needed.
> -
> -=== Installing the libraries - the old way ====
> -
> -The jhc libraries will be in the 'lib' directory. these may be  
> installed
> -anywhere or left in place but the directory where they are  
> installed *must be
> -writable by the user of jhc* otherwise the compiler cannot create its
> -intermediate files.
> -
> -Set the environment variable JHCPATH to the location of the library  
> wherever
> -you put it, or pass -i<dir> to jhc every time you call it so it can  
> find the
> -standard libraries.
> -
> -The first time you compile something, jhc will automatically create  
> an
> -optimized version of the standard libraries in 'ho' files next to  
> their source
> -code. This is why the library needs to be somewhere writable.  
> Another effect
> -being the first time you run jhc, it will take much longer than  
> future runs.
> -
> -
> -=== Running jhc ===
> -
> -jhc always runs in a mode similar to 'ghc --make' and will find all
> -dependencies automatically. just run jhc on your file containing  
> the Main module.
> -
> -  jhc -v Main.hs
> -
> -it is HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended you pass the '-v' flag to jhc. jhc  
> takes a very
> -long time to compile programs and without feedback you won't know  
> if there is a
> -problem. Much of the debugging output contains Unicode characters,  
> it helps if
> -your terminal is UTF8.
> -
> -While compiling, jhc will drop 'ho' files alongside your source  
> code to speed
> -up future compilation. feel free to delete these if you want to.  
> There are
> -various options for controlling the writing and reading of these ho  
> files.
> -
> -=== Environment Variables ===
> -
> -jhc understands the following environment variables
> -
> - JHCPATH - path to search for haskell source files, seperated by  
> colons.
> -
> - JHCLIBPATH - path to search for jhc library files
> -
> -==== Options ====
> -
> -general options
> -
> -<include text `/home/john/bin/jhc --help 2>&1`>
> -
> -things to pass to -d
> -
> -<include text `/home/john/bin/jhc -dhelp  2>&1`>
> -
> -things to pass to -f
> -
> -<include text `/home/john/bin/jhc -fhelp 2>&1 `>
> -
> -----
> -
> -http://repetae.net/john/computer/jhc
> -
> rmfile ./docs/using.txt
> hunk ./Makefile.am 253
> publish: docs/building.shtml docs/big-picture.pdf docs/ 
> development.shtml docs/index.shtml docs/jhc.shtml manual.html docs/ 
> manual.css
> 	cp -- $^ /home/john/public_html/computer/jhc
> -manual: utils/stitch.prl src/FlagDump.mkd src/FlagOpts.mkd  
> options.mkd
> -	find . ! -wholename '*/examples/*'  ! -wholename '*/_darcs/*' ! - 
> wholename '*/drift_processed/*'  ! -wholename '*/regress/*'  \( - 
> name '*.hs' -o -name '*.hsc' -o -name '*.mkd' -o -wholename '*/src/ 
> data/rts/*.c' \) | xargs perl utils/stitch.prl > manual.mkd
> +manual: utils/stitch.prl src/FlagDump.mkd src/FlagOpts.mkd  
> options.mkd docs/*.mkd
> +	find . ! -wholename */jhc-*/* ! -wholename '*/examples/*'  ! - 
> wholename '*/_darcs/*' ! -wholename '*/drift_processed/*'  ! - 
> wholename '*/regress/*'  \( -name '*.hs' -o -name '*.hsc' -o -name  
> '*.mkd' -o -wholename '*/src/data/rts/*.c' \) | xargs perl utils/ 
> stitch.prl > manual.mkd
> 	pandoc manual.mkd --toc -s -f markdown -t html -s -c manual.css -o  
> $@.html
> hunk ./Makefile.am 257
> -man: utils/stitch.prl src/FlagDump.mkd src/FlagOpts.mkd options.mkd  
> docs/man_header.mkd
> -	find . ! -wholename '*/examples/*'  ! -wholename '*/_darcs/*' ! - 
> wholename '*/drift_processed/*'  ! -wholename '*/regress/*'  \( - 
> name '*.hs' -o -name '*.hsc' -o -name '*.mkd' -o -wholename '*/src/ 
> data/rts/*.c' \) | xargs perl utils/stitch.prl -h docs/ 
> man_header.mkd -c Using,Options > jhc_man.mkd
> +man: utils/stitch.prl src/FlagDump.mkd src/FlagOpts.mkd options.mkd  
> docs/man_header.mkd docs/*.mkd
> +	find . ! -wholename */jhc-*/ ! -wholename '*/examples/*'  ! - 
> wholename '*/_darcs/*' ! -wholename '*/drift_processed/*'  ! - 
> wholename '*/regress/*'  \( -name '*.hs' -o -name '*.hsc' -o -name  
> '*.mkd' -o -wholename '*/src/data/rts/*.c' \) | xargs perl utils/ 
> stitch.prl -h docs/man_header.mkd -c Using,Options > jhc_man.mkd
> 	pandoc jhc_man.mkd -s -f markdown -t man -s  -o jhc.1
> options.mkd: jhc
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 10
> For instance, if you had a program 'HelloWorld.hs', the following  
> would compile
> it to an executable named 'hello'.
> -    ; jhc -v HelloWorld.hs -o hello
> +    ; jhc HelloWorld.hs -o hello
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 12
> -Libraries are built by passing jhc a file describing the library  
> via the
> ---build-hl option. The file format is a simplified version of the  
> cabal format.
> -The name of the generated file will be <basename>-<version>.hl.
> +Jhc searches for modules in its search path, which defaults to the  
> current
> +directory. Modules are searched for based on their names. For  
> instance, the
> +module Data.Foo will be searched for in 'Data/Foo.hs'. As an  
> extension, jhc will
> +also search for 'Data.Foo.hs'. The search path may be modifed with  
> the '-i'
> +command line option, or by setting the 'JHC_PATH' environment  
> variable.
> +
> +# Using Libraries
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 20
> -    ; jhc -v --build-hl mylibrary.cabal
> +jhc libraries are distributed as files with an 'hl' suffix, such as
> +'base-1.0.hl'. In order to use a haskell  library you simply need  
> to place the
> +file in a directory that jhc will search for it. For instance,  
> $HOME/lib/jhc.
> +You may set the environment variable  JHC_LIBRARY_PATH to specify  
> alternate
> +locations to search for libraries or specify directory to search  
> with the -L
> +command line option. -L- will clear the search path.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 27
> +You can then use libraries with the '-p' command line option, for  
> instance if
> +you had a library 'mylibrary-1.0.hl' in your search path, the  
> following would
> +use it.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 31
> -# installing and using libraries
> +    ; jhc -p mylibrary MyProgram.hs -o myprogram
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 33
> -jhc libraries are distributed as files with an 'hl' suffix, such as
> -'base-1.0.hl'. You simply need to drop this file somewhere that jhc  
> can find
> -it. for instance, $HOME/lib/jhc. You can then set $JHCLIBPATH to said
> -directory, or specify it on the command line with the '-L' option.  
> Extra
> -libraries are specified on the command line with the '-p' option.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 34
> -    ; jhc -v -L/home/john/devel/jhc -pmylibrary MyProgram.hs -o  
> myprogram
> +# Environment Variables
> +
> +Jhc's behavior is modified by several enviornment variables.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 38
> +: this is read and appended to the command line of jhc invocations.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 41
> +: This specifies the path to search for modules.
> +
> +: This specifies the path to search for libraries.
> +
> +: This specified the directory jhc will use to cache values. having  
> a valid cache is essential for jhc performance. It defaults to  
> ~/.jhc/cache.
> +
> +# Building Haskell Libraries
> +
> +Libraries are built by passing jhc a file describing the library  
> via the
> +--build-hl option. The file format is a simplified version of the  
> cabal format.
> +The name of the generated file will be basename-version.hl.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 56
> -# Building Projects With make
> +    ; jhc --build-hl mylibrary.cabal
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 58
> -Using make to build projects with jhc is straightforward, simply  
> add a line like the following in your Makefile
> +## Library File Format
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 60
> +The library file is a simple list of key value pairs seperated by  
> colon. The fields that jhc cares about are
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 62
> -    % : %.hs
> -            jhc -v $< -o $@
> +    Name: The Name of your library
> +    Version: The Version of your library
> +    Exposed-Modules: Comma Seperated list of modules to be included  
> in the library and made availabe to users of the library
> +    Hidden-Modules: Comma Seperated list of modules that will be  
> used by the library internally, but not be made available outside it.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 67
> -Or, to build a library, something similar to this will do.
> +Other fields are stored as-is inside of the generated hl file and  
> can be seen with jhc --show-ho file.hl.
> hunk ./docs/make.mkd 69
> -    %.hl : %.cabal
> -            jhc -v --build-hl $< -o $@
> hunk ./docs/unboxed.mkd 3
> {-#Extensions
> +# Module Search Path
> +
> +Modules in jhc are searched for based on their name as in other  
> Haskell
> +compilers. However in addition to searching for 'Data/Foo.hs' for  
> the module
> +'Data.Foo', jhc will also search for 'Data.Foo.hs'.
> +
> +# Rank-N Polymorphism
> +
> +Jhc supports higher ranked polymorphism. jhc will never infer types  
> of higher
> +rank, however when the context unambiguously specifies a higher  
> ranked type, it
> +will be infered. For instance, user supplied type annotations and  
> arguments to
> +data constructors defined to by polymorphic will work.
> +
> +# Existential types
> +
> # Unboxed Values
> Unboxed values in jhc are specified in a similar fashion to GHC  
> however the
> hunk ./docs/unboxed.mkd 36
> Unboxed strings are enabled with the -funboxed-values flag. They are
> specified like a normal string but have a '#' at the end. Unboxed  
> strings
> -have types 'Addr__' which is as synonym for 'BitsPtr_'
> +have types 'Addr__' which is as synonym for 'BitsPtr_'.
> ## Unboxed Numbers
> hunk ./docs/unboxed.mkd 44
> with a '#' such as in 3# or 4#. Jhc supports a limited form of type  
> inference
> for unboxed numbers, if the type is fully specified by the  
> environment and it
> is a suitable unboxed numeric type then that type is used. Otherwise  
> it
> -defaults to Int__.
> +defaults to Int__. Whether the type is fully specifed follows the  
> same rules as
> +rank-n types.
> hunk ./src/E/Type.hs 23
> import Info.Types
> import qualified Info.Info as Info
> -{- at Internals
> +{- @Internals
> # Jhc core normalized forms
> hunk ./src/Options.hs 284
>                        ++ unwords xs ++ "\nValid flags:\n\n" ++  
> FlagOpts.helpMsg)
> getArguments = do
> -    x <- lookupEnv "JHCOPTS"
> +    x <- lookupEnv "JHC_OPTS"
>    let eas = maybe [] words x
>    as <- System.getArgs
>    return (eas ++ as)
> hunk ./src/Options.hs 329
>      True -> return o3
>      False-> return o3 {  optHls  = (autoloads ++ optHls o2) }
> +
> +
> findHoCache :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
> findHoCache = do
> hunk ./src/Options.hs 333
> -    cd <- lookupEnv "HOCACHEDIR"
> +    cd <- lookupEnv "JHC_CACHE"
>    case optHoCache options `mplus` cd of
>        Just s -> do return (Just s)
>        Just "-" -> do return Nothing
> hunk ./src/Options.hs 413
> -- | Include directories taken from JHCPATH enviroment variable.
> initialIncludes :: [String]
> initialIncludes = unsafePerformIO $ do
> -    p <- lookupEnv "JHCPATH"
> +    p <- lookupEnv "JHC_PATH"
>    let x = maybe "" id p
>    return (".":(tokens (== ':') x))
> hunk ./src/Options.hs 421
> -- | Include directories taken from JHCLIBPATH enviroment variable.
> initialLibIncludes :: [String]
> initialLibIncludes = unsafePerformIO $ do
> -    ps <- lookupEnv "JHCLIBPATH"
> +    ps <- lookupEnv "JHC_LIBRARY_PATH"
>    h <- lookupEnv "HOME"
>    let paths = h ++ ["/usr/local","/usr"]
>        bases = ["/lib","/share"]
> [clean up stats some
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090817231029
> Ignore-this: ebfe3952f00720843c0da1fbbf33294
> ] hunk ./src/Stats.hs 35
>    ) where
> -import Char
> import Control.Monad.Identity
> import Control.Monad.Reader
> import Control.Monad.Writer
> hunk ./src/Stats.hs 51
> import GenUtil
> import qualified Doc.Chars as C
> import qualified Util.IntBag as IB
> -import Options (dump)
> -import qualified FlagDump as FD
> -
> -
> splitUp :: Int -> String -> [String]
> splitUp n str = filter (not . Prelude.null) (f n str)  where
> hunk ./src/Stats.hs 86
> draw :: Tree String -> [String]
> draw (Node x ts0) = x : drawSubTrees ts0
>  where drawSubTrees [] = []
> -        drawSubTrees [t] =
> +        drawSubTrees [t] =
>                {-[vLine] :-} shift lastBranch "  " (draw t)
>        drawSubTrees (t:ts) =
>                {-[vLine] :-} shift branch (C.vLine  ++ " ") (draw t)  
> ++ drawSubTrees ts
> hunk ./src/Stats.hs 93
>        branch     = C.lTee ++ C.hLine
>        lastBranch = C.llCorner ++ C.hLine
> -
> +
>        shift first other = zipWith (++) (first : repeat other)
>        --vLine = chr 0x254F
> hunk ./src/Stats.hs 105
>    deriving(Eq,Ord,Monoid)
> prependStat :: String -> Stat -> Stat
> -prependStat name (Stat m) = Stat $ IB.fromList [ (fromAtom (toAtom  
> $ "{" ++ name ++ "}." ++ fromAtom (unsafeIntToAtom x)),y) | (x,y) <-  
> IB.toList m ]
> +prependStat name (Stat m) = Stat $ IB.fromList [ (fromAtom $  
> mappend (toAtom $ "{" ++ name ++ "}.")  (unsafeIntToAtom x),y) |  
> (x,y) <- IB.toList m ]
> printStat greets (Stat s) = do
>    let fs = createForest 0 $ sort [(splitUp (-1) $ fromAtom  
> (unsafeIntToAtom x),y) | (x,y) <- IB.toList s]
> [redo libraries such that only names from explicitly imported  
> libraries are visible to the program being compiled.
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090819035236
> Ignore-this: 7eeb43ddaf2f975309b38190ca266150
> ] hunk ./src/Ho/Binary.hs 23
> current_version :: Int
> -current_version = 3
> +current_version = 4
> readHFile :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath,HoHeader,forall a . Binary a  
> => ChunkType -> a)
> readHFile fn = do
> hunk ./src/Ho/Binary.hs 150
>    return (HoIDeps aa ab ac ad)
> instance Data.Binary.Binary HoLib where
> -    put (HoLib aa ab ac) = do
> +    put (HoLib aa ab ac ad) = do
> 	    Data.Binary.put aa
> 	    Data.Binary.put ab
> 	    Data.Binary.put ac
> hunk ./src/Ho/Binary.hs 154
> +	    Data.Binary.put ad
>    get = do
>    aa <- get
>    ab <- get
> hunk ./src/Ho/Binary.hs 159
>    ac <- get
> -    return (HoLib aa ab ac)
> +    ad <- get
> +    return (HoLib aa ab ac ad)
> instance Binary Data.Version.Version where
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 12
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Monad.Identity
> -import Data.Binary
> import Data.Char
> import Data.IORef
> import Data.List hiding(union)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 18
> import Data.Monoid
> import Data.Tree
> import Data.Version(Version,parseVersion,showVersion)
> -import Debug.Trace
> import Maybe
> import Monad
> import Prelude hiding(print,putStrLn)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 23
> import System.IO hiding(print,putStrLn)
> import System.Mem
> -import System.Posix.Files
> import Text.Printf
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 24
> -import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as LBSU
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 57
> import Options
> import PackedString(PackedString,packString,unpackPS)
> import RawFiles(prelude_m4)
> -import Support.CFF
> import Util.FilterInput
> import Util.Gen hiding(putErrLn,putErr,putErrDie)
> import Util.SetLike
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 113
> data ModDone
>    = ModNotFound
> -    | ModLibrary ModuleGroup Library
> +    | ModLibrary Bool ModuleGroup Library
>    | Found SourceCode
> data Done = Done {
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 126
>    }
>    {-! derive: update !-}
> -fileOrModule f = case reverse f of
> -                   ('s':'h':'.':_)     -> Right f
> -                   ('s':'h':'l':'.':_) -> Right f
> -                   _                   -> Left $ Module f
> -
> replaceSuffix suffix fp = reverse (dropWhile ('.' /=) (reverse fp)) + 
> + suffix
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 197
> resolveDeps :: IORef Done -> Module -> IO ()
> resolveDeps done_ref m = do
>    done <- readIORef done_ref
> -    if isJust $ m `mlookup` modEncountered done then return () else  
> do
> -    fetchSource done_ref (map fst $ searchPaths (show m)) (Just m)
> -    return ()
> +    case m `mlookup` modEncountered done of
> +        Just (ModLibrary False _ lib) -> putErrDie $ printf   
> "ERROR: Attempt to import module '%s' which is a member of the  
> library '%s'." (show m) (libName lib)
> +        Just _ -> return ()
> +        Nothing -> fetchSource done_ref (map fst $ searchPaths  
> (show m)) (Just m) >> return ()
> type LibInfo = (Map.Map Module ModuleGroup, Map.Map ModuleGroup  
> [ModuleGroup], Set.Set Module,Map.Map ModuleGroup HoBuild,Map.Map  
> ModuleGroup HoTcInfo)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 274
> -- in terms of dependencies
> -libModMap (Library _ libr _ _) = hoModuleMap libr
> toCompUnitGraph :: Done -> [Module] -> IO (HoHash,CompUnitGraph)
> toCompUnitGraph done roots = do
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 280
>    let fs m = map inject $ maybe (error $ "can't find deps for: " ++  
> show m) snd (Map.lookup m (knownSourceMap done))
>        fs' m (Library _ libr _ _) = fromMaybe (error $ "can't find  
> deps for: " ++ show m) (Map.lookup m (hoModuleDeps libr))
>        foundMods = [ ((m,Left (sourceHash sc)),fs (sourceHash sc)) |  
> (m,Found sc) <- Map.toList (modEncountered done)]
> -        foundMods' = Map.elems $ Map.fromList [ (mg,((mg,Right  
> lib),fs' mg lib)) | (_,ModLibrary mg lib) <- Map.toList  
> (modEncountered done)]
> +        foundMods' = Map.elems $ Map.fromList [ (mg,((mg,Right  
> lib),fs' mg lib)) | (_,ModLibrary _ mg lib) <- Map.toList  
> (modEncountered done)]
>        fullModMap = Map.unions (map libModMap $ Map.elems  
> (loadedLibraries done))
>        inject m = Map.findWithDefault m m fullModMap
>        gr = G.newGraph  (foundMods ++ foundMods') (fst . fst) snd
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 285
>        gr' = G.sccGroups gr
> -        lmods = Map.mapMaybe ( \ x -> case x of ModLibrary mg lib - 
> > Just (mg,lib) ; _ -> Nothing) (modEncountered done)
>        phomap = Map.fromListWith (++) (concat [  [ (m,[hh]) | (m,_)  
> <- hoDepends idep ] | (hh,(_,_,idep,_)) <- Map.toList  
> (hosEncountered done)])
>        sources = Map.fromList [ (m,sourceHash sc) | (m,Found sc) <-  
> Map.toList (modEncountered done)]
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 317
>                modifyIORef cug_ref ((mhash,(deps',CompSources $ map  
> fs amods)):)
>                return mhash
>        g [((mg,Right lib@(Library _ libr mhot mhob)),ds)] = do
> -                let Just mgs = Map.lookup mg (hoModuleDeps libr)
> -                    Just hob = Map.lookup mg mhob
> +                let Just hob = Map.lookup mg mhob
>                    Just hot = Map.lookup mg mhot
>                    ho = Ho { hoModuleGroup = mg, hoBuild = hob,  
> hoTcInfo = hot }
>                    myHash = libMgHash mg lib
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 372
> --    return (rhash,cug')
> -libHash (Library hoh _ _ _) = hohHash hoh
> -libMgHash mg lib = MD5.md5String $ show (libHash lib,mg)
> -libProvides mg (Library _ lib _ _) = [ m | (m,mg') <- Map.toList  
> (hoModuleMap lib), mg == mg']
> -libName (Library HoHeader { hohName = Right (name,vers) } _ _ _) =  
> unpackPS name ++ "-" ++ showVersion vers
> parseFiles :: [Either Module  
> String]                                   -- ^ Either a module or  
> filename to find
>               -> (CollectedHo -> Ho -> IO  
> CollectedHo)                -- ^ Process initial ho loaded from file
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 408
>        hosEncountered = Map.empty,
>        modEncountered = Map.empty
>        }
> -    unless (null libs) $ putProgressLn $ "Loading libraries:" <+>  
> show libs
> -    forM_ (optHls options) $ \l -> do
> -        (n',fn) <- findLibrary l
> -        lib@(Library hoh libr _ _)  <- catch (readHlFile fn) $ \_ ->
> -            fail $ "Error loading library file: " ++ fn
> -        let Right (libName,libVers) = hohName hoh
> -        putProgressLn $ printf "Library: %-15s <%s>" n' fn
> -        modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.union  
> (Map.fromList [ (m,ModLibrary mg lib) | (m,mg) <- Map.toList  
> (hoModuleMap libr) ]))
> -        modifyIORef done_ref (loadedLibraries_u $ Map.insert  
> libName lib)
> +    (es,is) <- collectLibraries
> +    let combModMap es = Map.unions [ Map.map ((,) l) mm |  
> l@(Library _ HoLib { hoModuleMap = mm } _ _) <- es]
> +        explicitModMap = combModMap es
> +        implicitModMap = combModMap is
> +        reexported  = Set.fromList [ m | l <- es, (m,_) <-  
> Map.toList $ hoReexports (libHoLib l) ]
> +        modEnc exp emap = Map.fromList [ (m,ModLibrary (exp ||  
> Set.member m reexported)  mg l) | (m,(l,mg)) <- Map.toList emap ]
> +
> +    modifyIORef done_ref (loadedLibraries_u $ Map.union $  
> Map.fromList [ (libBaseName lib,lib) | lib <- es ++ is])
> +    modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.union (modEnc True  
> explicitModMap))
> +    modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.union (modEnc  
> False implicitModMap))
> +
> +--    unless (null libs) $ putProgressLn $ "Loading libraries:" <+>  
> show libs
> +--    forM_ (optHls options) $ \l -> do
> +--        (n',fn) <- findLibrary l
> +--        lib@(Library hoh libr _ _)  <- catch (readHlFile fn) $ \_  
> ->
> +--            fail $ "Error loading library file: " ++ fn
> +--        let Right (libName,_libVers) = hohName hoh
> +--        putProgressLn $ printf "Library: %-15s <%s>" n' fn
> +--        modifyIORef done_ref (modEncountered_u $ Map.union  
> (Map.fromList [ (m,ModLibrary mg lib) | (m,mg) <- Map.toList  
> (hoModuleMap libr) ]))
> +--        modifyIORef done_ref (loadedLibraries_u $ Map.insert  
> libName lib)
>    done <- readIORef done_ref
>    forM_ (Map.elems $ loadedLibraries done) $ \ lib@(Library hoh  _  
> _ _) -> do
>        let libsBad = filter (\ (p,h) -> fmap (libHash) (Map.lookup p  
> (loadedLibraries done)) /= Just h) (hohLibDeps hoh)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 464
>        fhash = MD5.md5String $ show fdeps
>        fdeps = [ h | (h,(_,cu)) <- cs, not . null $ providesModules  
> cu `intersect` need ]
> --- take the list of CompNodes and what modules we want and create a  
> root node
> --- that will reach all dependencies when compiled.
> -
> -mkPhonyCompNode :: [Module] -> [CompNode] -> IO CompNode
> -mkPhonyCompNode need cs = do
> -    xs <- forM cs $ \cn@(CompNode _ _ cu) -> readIORef cu >>= \u ->  
> return $ if null $ providesModules u `intersect` need then [] else  
> [cn]
> -    let hash = MD5.md5String $ show [ h | CompNode h _ _ <- concat  
> xs ]
> -    CompNode hash (concat xs) `fmap` newIORef (CompLinkUnit  
> CompDummy)
> printModProgress :: Int -> Int -> IO Int -> [HsModule] -> IO ()
> printModProgress _ _ _ [] = return ()
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 696
>    ans fp = do
>        (desc,name,vers,hmods,emods) <- parse fp
>        vers <- runReadP parseVersion vers
> -        let allmods = snub (emods ++ hmods)
> +        let allMods = emodSet `Set.union` hmodSet
> +            emodSet = Set.fromList emods
> +            hmodSet = Set.fromList hmods
> +
>        -- TODO - must check we depend only on libraries
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 701
> -        (rnode@(CompNode lhash _ _),cho) <- parseFiles (map Left  
> allmods) ifunc func
> +        (rnode@(CompNode lhash _ _),cho) <- parseFiles (map Left $  
> Set.toList allMods) ifunc func
>        (_,(mmap,mdeps,prvds,lcor,ldef)) <- let
>            f (CompNode hs cd ref) = do
>                cl <- readIORef ref
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 726
>                writeIORef ref (CompLinkLib res cn)
>                return res
>          in f rnode
> -        let unknownMods = Set.toList $ Set.filter (`notElem`  
> allmods) prvds
> -        mapM_ ((putStrLn . ("*** Module included in library that is  
> not in export list: " ++)) . show) unknownMods
> +        let unknownMods = Set.toList $ Set.filter (`Set.notMember`  
> allMods) prvds
> +        mapM_ ((putStrLn . ("*** Module depended on in library that  
> is not in export list: " ++)) . show) unknownMods
> +        mapM_ ((putStrLn . ("*** We are re-exporting the following  
> modules from other libraries: " ++)) . show) $ Set.toList (allMods  
> Set.\\ prvds)
>        let hoh =  HoHeader {
>                hohHash = lhash,
>                hohName = Right (packString name,vers),
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 739
>        let outName = case optOutName options of
>                Nothing -> name ++ "-" ++ showVersion vers ++ ".hl"
>                Just fn -> fn
> -        let pdesc = [(n, packString v) | (n,v) <- ("jhc-hl- 
> filename",outName):("jhc-description-file",fp):("jhc-compiled- 
> by",versionString):desc, n /= "exposed-modules" ]
> +        let pdesc = [(packString n, packString v) | (n,v) <- ("jhc- 
> hl-filename",outName):("jhc-description-file",fp):("jhc-compiled- 
> by",versionString):desc, n /= "exposed-modules" ]
>            libr = HoLib {
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 741
> +                hoReexports = Map.fromList [ (m,m) | m <-  
> Set.toList $ allMods Set.\\ prvds],
>                hoMetaInfo = pdesc,
>                hoModuleMap = mmap,
>                hoModuleDeps = mdeps
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 762
>            emods = map Module $ snub $ mfield "exposed-modules"
>        return (desc,name,vers,hmods,emods)
> ---collectLibraries :: IO [FilePath]
> ---collectLibraries = concat `fmap` mapM f (optHlPath options) where
> ---    f fp = do
> ---        fs <- flip catch (\_ -> return []) $ getDirectoryContents  
> fp
> ---        flip mapM fs $ \e -> case reverse e of
> ---            ('l':'h':'.':r)  -> do
> ---                (fn',hoh,mp) <- readHFile (fp++"/"++e)
> ---
> ---        _               -> []
> -
> ------------------------------------
> -- dumping contents of a ho file
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 799
>    doHl fn = do
>        Library hoh libr mhob mhot <- readHlFile fn
>        doHoh hoh
> -        showList "MetaInfo" (sort [text k <> char ':' <+> show v |  
> (k,v) <- hoMetaInfo libr])
> +        showList "MetaInfo" (sort [text (unpackPS k) <> char ':' < 
> +> show v | (k,v) <- hoMetaInfo libr])
>        showList "ModuleMap" (map pprint . sortUnder fst $ Map.toList  
> $ hoModuleMap libr)
>        showList "ModuleDeps" (map pprint . sortUnder fst $  
> Map.toList $ hoModuleDeps libr)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Build.hs 802
> +        showList "ModuleReexports" (map pprint . sortUnder fst $  
> Map.toList $ hoReexports libr)
>    doHo fn = do
>        (hoh,idep,ho) <- readHoFile fn
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 4
> module Ho.Library(
>    readDescFile,
>    findLibrary,
> -    libraryList
> +    collectLibraries,
> +    libModMap,
> +    libHash,
> +    libMgHash,
> +    libProvides,
> +    libName,
> +    libBaseName,
> +    libHoLib,
> +    listLibraries
>    ) where
> import Char
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 17
> import Control.Monad
> -import System.IO
> +import Data.List
> +import Data.Maybe
> +import Data.Version(showVersion)
> import System.Directory
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 21
> +import System.IO
> +import Text.Printf
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 24
> -import Data.List
> +import qualified Data.Set as Set
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 26
> +import Data.Monoid
> import GenUtil
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 28
> +import Ho.Binary
> +import Ho.Type
> import Options
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 31
> +import PackedString(PackedString,packString,unpackPS)
> import qualified CharIO
> import qualified FlagDump as FD
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 34
> +import qualified Support.MD5 as MD5
> +
> +libModMap (Library _ libr _ _) = hoModuleMap libr
> +libHash (Library hoh _ _ _) = hohHash hoh
> +libMgHash mg lib = MD5.md5String $ show (libHash lib,mg)
> +libProvides mg (Library _ lib _ _) = [ m | (m,mg') <- Map.toList  
> (hoModuleMap lib), mg == mg']
> +libName (Library HoHeader { hohName = ~(Right (name,vers)) } _ _ _)  
> = unpackPS name ++ "-" ++ showVersion vers
> +libBaseName (Library HoHeader { hohName = ~(Right (name,vers)) } _  
> _ _) = name
> +libModules (Library _ lib _ _) = ([ m | (m,_) <- Map.toList  
> (hoModuleMap lib)],Map.toList (hoReexports lib))
> +libHoLib (Library _ lib _ _) = lib
> +
> +libVersionCompare ~(Library HoHeader { hohName = Right (_,v1) } _ _  
> _ ) ~(Library HoHeader { hohName =  Right (_,v2) } _ _ _) = compare  
> v1 v2
> type LibraryName = String
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 101
>                 [] -> fail ("LibraryMap: Library "++pn++" not found!")
>                 xs -> return $ last xs
> -{-
> -collectLibraries :: IO [FilePath]
> -collectLibraries ms = concat `fmap` mapM f (optHlPath options) where
> -    f fp = flip catch (\_ -> return []) $ do
> -        fs <- getDirectoryContents fp
> -        return $ flip concatMap fs $ \e ->
> -            case reverse e of
> -              ('l':'h':'.':r) | good e -> [(fp++"/"++e)]
> -              _               -> []
> -    good e = case ms of
> -        Nothing -> True
> -        Just rs -> any (`isPrefixOf` e) rs
> -
> -collectPotentialLibraries :: Maybe [String] -> IO [FilePath]
> -collectPotentialLibraries ms = concat `fmap` mapM f (optHlPath  
> options) where
> -    f fp = flip catch (\_ -> return []) $ do
> -        fs <- getDirectoryContents fp
> -        return $ flip concatMap fs $ \e ->
> -            case reverse e of
> -              ('l':'h':'.':r) | good e -> [(fp++"/"++e)]
> -              _               -> []
> -    good e = case ms of
> -        Nothing -> True
> -        Just rs -> any (`isPrefixOf` e) rs
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 102
> -    -}
> +listLibraries :: IO ()
> +listLibraries = do
> +    putStrLn "Search path:"
> +    mapM_ putStrLn (optHlPath options)
> +    putStrLn "Libraries found:"
> +    (_,byhashes) <- fetchAllLibraries
> +    let nameComp a b = compare (libName a) (libName b)
> +    forM_ (sortBy nameComp $ Map.elems byhashes) $ \ lib ->  
> putStrLn (libName lib)
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 113
> -
> -libraryList :: IO [(LibraryName,FilePath)]
> -libraryList = Map.toList `fmap` getLibraryMap (optHlPath options)
> -
> ---- range queries for Data.Map
> range :: Ord k => k -> k -> Map.Map k v -> [(k,v)]
> hunk ./src/Ho/Library.hs 129
>              ('l':'h':'.':r) -> [(reverse r,fp++"/"++e)]
>              _               -> []
> +maxBy c x1 x2 = case x1 `c` x2 of
> +    LT -> x2
> +    _ -> x1
> +
> +-- Collect all libraries and return those which are explicitly and  
> implicitly imported.
> +--
> +-- The basic process is:
> +--    - Find all libraries and create two indexes, a map of named  
> libraries to
> +--      the newest version of them, and a map of library hashes to  
> the libraries
> +--      themselves.
> +--
> +--    - For all the libraries listed on the command line, find the  
> newest
> +--      version of each of them, flag these as the explicitly  
> imported libraries.
> +--
> +--    - recursively find the dependencies by the hash's listed in  
> the library deps. if the names
> +--      match a library already loaded, ensure the hash matches up.  
> flag these libraries as 'implicit' unless
> +--      already flaged 'explicit'
> +--
> +--    - perform sanity checks on final lists of implicit and  
> explicit libraries.
> +--
> +-- Library Checks needed:
> +--    - We have found versions of all libraries listed on the  
> command line
> +--    - We have all dependencies of all libraries and the hash  
> matches the proper library name
> +--    - no libraries directly export the same modules, (but re- 
> exporting the same module is fine)
> +--    - conflicting versions of any particular library are not  
> required due to dependencies
> +--
> +
> +fetchAllLibraries :: IO (Map.Map PackedString Library,Map.Map  
> HoHash Library)
> +fetchAllLibraries = ans where
> +    ans = do
> +        (bynames',byhashes') <- unzip `fmap` concatMapM f  
> (optHlPath options)
> +        let bynames = Map.unionsWith vcomb bynames'
> +            byhashes = Map.unions byhashes'
> +            vcomb = maxBy libVersionCompare
> +        return (bynames,byhashes)
> +
> +    f fp = do
> +        fs <- flip catch (\_ -> return [] ) $ getDirectoryContents fp
> +        flip mapM fs $ \e -> case reverse e of
> +            ('l':'h':'.':r)  -> do
> +                flip catch (\_ -> return mempty) $ do
> +                    lib <- readHlFile  (fp ++ "/" ++ e)
> +                    return (Map.singleton (libBaseName lib) lib,  
> Map.singleton (libHash lib) lib)
> +            _               -> return mempty
> +
> +collectLibraries :: IO ([Library],[Library])
> +collectLibraries = ans where
> +    ans = do
> +        (bynames,byhashes) <- fetchAllLibraries
> +        let f pn | Just x <- Map.lookup pn bynames = return x
> +                 | otherwise = putErrDie $ printf "Library was not  
> found '%s'\n" (unpackPS pn)
> +        es <- mapM f ( map packString $ optHls options)
> +        checkForModuleConficts es
> +        let f lmap _ [] = return lmap
> +            f lmap lset ((ei,l):ls)
> +                | libHash l `Set.member` lset = f lmap lset ls
> +                | otherwise = case Map.lookup (libBaseName l) lmap of
> +                    Nothing -> f (Map.insert (libBaseName l) (ei,l)  
> lmap) (Set.insert (libHash l) lset) (ls ++ newdeps)
> +                    Just (ei',l') | libHash l == libHash l' -> f   
> (Map.insert (libBaseName l) (ei || ei',l) lmap) lset ls
> +                    Just (_,l')  -> putErrDie $ printf   
> "Conflicting versions of library '%s' are required. [%s]\n" (libName  
> l) (show (libHash l,libHash l'))
> +              where newdeps = [ (False,fromMaybe (error $ printf  
> "Dependency '%s' with hash '%s' needed by '%s' was not  
> found" (unpackPS p) (show h) (libName l)) (Map.lookup h byhashes)) |  
> let Library HoHeader { hohLibDeps = ldeps } _ _ _ = l , (p,h) <-  
> ldeps ]
> +        finalmap <- f Map.empty Set.empty [ (True,l) | l <- es ]
> +        checkForModuleConficts [ l | (_,l) <- Map.elems finalmap ]
> +        when verbose $ forM_ (Map.toList finalmap) $ \ (n,(e,l)) ->  
> do
> +            printf "-- Base: %s Exported: %s Hash: %s Name: %s 
> \n" (unpackPS n) (show e) (show $ libHash l) (libName l)
> +
> +        return ([ l | (True,l) <- Map.elems finalmap ],[ l |  
> (False,l) <- Map.elems finalmap ])
> +
> +    checkForModuleConficts ms = do
> +        let mbad = Map.toList $ Map.filter (\c -> case c of [_] ->  
> False; _ -> True)  $ Map.fromListWith (++) [ (m,[l]) | l <- ms, m <-  
> fst $ libModules l]
> +        forM_ mbad $ \ (m,l) -> putErrLn $ printf "Module '%s' is  
> exported by multiple libraries: %s" (show m) (show $ map libName l)
> +        unless (null mbad) $ putErrDie "There were conflicting  
> modules!"
> +
> +
> hunk ./src/Ho/Type.hs 104
> data HoLib = HoLib {
>    -- * arbitrary metainformation such as library author, web site,  
> etc.
> -    hoMetaInfo   :: [(String,PackedString)],
>    hoModuleMap  :: Map.Map Module ModuleGroup,
> hunk ./src/Ho/Type.hs 105
> -    hoModuleDeps :: Map.Map ModuleGroup [ModuleGroup]
> +    hoReexports  :: Map.Map Module Module,
> +    hoModuleDeps :: Map.Map ModuleGroup [ModuleGroup],
> +    hoMetaInfo   :: [(PackedString,PackedString)]
>    }
> hunk ./src/Main.hs 91
>        (argstring,_) <- getArgString
>        return (argstring ++ "\n" ++ versionSimple)
>    case optMode o of
> -        BuildHl hl    -> darg >> buildLibrary processInitialHo  
> processDecls hl
> -        ListLibraries -> do
> -            when (optVerbose options > 0) $ do
> -                putStrLn "Search path:"
> -                mapM_ putStrLn (optHlPath options)
> -                putStrLn "Libraries found:"
> -            ll <- libraryList
> -            sequence_ [ putStrLn name | (name,_) <- ll ]
> +        BuildHl hl      -> darg >> buildLibrary processInitialHo  
> processDecls hl
> +        ListLibraries   -> listLibraries
>        ShowHo ho       -> dumpHoFile ho
>        Version         -> putStrLn versionString
>        PrintHscOptions -> putStrLn $ "-I" ++ VC.datadir ++ "/" ++  
> VC.package ++ "-" ++ VC.shortVersion ++ "/include"
> [add fix for compiling on MacOSX, thanks to Mark Wotton.
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090819041030
> Ignore-this: bdaeb7fde521f98e4580bca36b6b74d3
> ] addfile ./examples/Options.hs
> hunk ./examples/Options.hs 1
> +
> +import Jhc.Options
> +import Text.Printf
> +
> +main :: IO ()
> +main = do
> +    printf "isWindows:      %s\n" (show isWindows)
> +    printf "isPosix:        %s\n" (show isPosix)
> +    printf "isBigEndian:    %s\n" (show isBigEndian)
> +    printf "isLittleEndian: %s\n" (show isLittleEndian)
> +    printf "Target:         %s\n" (show target)
> +
> +
> +instance Show Target where
> +    show Grin = "Grin"
> +    show GhcHs = "GhcHs"
> +    show DotNet = "DotNet"
> +    show Java = "Java"
> hunk ./src/data/rts/jhc_rts_header.h 17
> #ifndef __WIN32__
> #include <sys/select.h>
> #include <sys/times.h>
> -#include <endian.h>
> +#include <sys/types.h>
> +#include <sys/param.h>
> #include <sys/utsname.h>
> #endif
> #include <setjmp.h>
> Context:
> [initialize CAFs statically, add hs_init and friends to the rts to  
> be compliant with the FFI spec, allow compiling without generating a  
> 'main'
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090813053325
> Ignore-this: 8970666bd27accca219beede653459da
> ]
> [add 'System.Mem' to jhc library
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090812074322
> Ignore-this: f979802508f0976e350e9064b6701973
> ]
> [clean up Main.hs
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090812061523
> Ignore-this: 75f574f8251cfcad6227bc48ac74b2f7
> ]
> [enable the ho cache, start using it by default.
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090812060012
> Ignore-this: a0d4d4afae50f05d5ce16f5b654d2072
> ]
> [use utf8-string routines in PackedString
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090811165405
> Ignore-this: ea852d2e75ba0cc13fe2c92723024565
> ]
> [TAG krasyupheasy
> John Meacham <john at repetae.net>**20090811155530
> Ignore-this: c3ad24b76191a311e2fc81123c2fa1cf
> ]
> Patch bundle hash:
> a7d14e301bd81a14a07a8c43505719f50ea35953
> _______________________________________________
> jhc mailing list
> jhc at haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/jhc

I'm haunted by the freakish size of Nancy Reagan's head
No way that thing came with her body.
	-- Mission of Burma, Nancy Reagan's Head

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