[Haskell-iPhone] Installing aeson as a dependency with cabal-ios

James Parker jp at jamesparker.me
Wed Aug 19 00:31:25 UTC 2015

Cool, I was wondering how to run ghc-pkg. The output is here <http://lpaste.net/8410752052514258944>. 

After some playing around, I got aeson and my library to install. For future reference, I had to do something along the line of:

arm-apple-darwin10-ghc-pkg unregister aeson
i386-apple-darwin11-ghc-pkg unregister aeson
arm-apple-darwin10-ghc-pkg unregister attoparsec
i386-apple-darwin11-ghc-pkg unregister attoparsec

I also had to add the following constraints to aeson-

attoparsec ==
dlist == 0.7.1
syb == 0.4.4

As an aside, I keep seeing the following warning:

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/usr/lib/'

The specified directory doesn’t exist, but the following does for me (XCode 6.4). Do I need to change some configuration?



> On Aug 18, 2015, at 6:57 PM, Manuel Gómez <targen at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 4:51 PM, James Parker <jp at jamesparker.me> wrote:
>> I’m attempting to install aeson as a dependency for another library with
>> cabal-ios. I’m somewhat confused because I believe I’ve installed aeson
>> (after removing the template haskell), but when I try to build my library,
>> it attempts to install aeson again. Does anyone have any suggestions? You
>> can find the build logs here.
> What do these print?
>    i386-apple-darwin11-ghc-pkg list
>    arm-apple-darwin10-ghc-pkg list

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