[Haskell-iPhone] help for ghc android cross compiler

Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com
Wed Jan 16 02:47:47 CET 2013


Here's an update. The bug "Call operand #8 has unhandled type 
i32UNREACHABLE executed at CallingConvLower.cpp:129!" below turns out to 
be specific to ARMv5, the old architecture I'm using. I raised a ticket 
(7591) for that.

Here's the complete list of tickets that are currently blocking basic 

http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7591 (only if you're using 
old ARM)

7575 is blocking me now, and there's no fix for it yet.


On 16/01/13 10:47, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] wrote:
> Nathan,
> llvm-3.1 (Ubuntu 12.10 stock verison) was what gave the bad code I
> mentioned previously (see below).
> Note: llvm can be very easily built from source. The location of llc and
> friends is detected by GHC's configure.
> llvm-3.2 gives this code, which looks correct:
> 00000000 <stg_returnToStackTop>:
>     0:   e594608c        ldr     r6, [r4, #140]  ; 0x8c
>     4:   e3a03000        mov     r3, #0
>     8:   e596600c        ldr     r6, [r6, #12]
>     c:   e596500c        ldr     r5, [r6, #12]
>    10:   e584309c        str     r3, [r4, #156]  ; 0x9c
>    14:   e286b064        add     fp, r6, #100    ; 0x64
>    18:   e5942094        ldr     r2, [r4, #148]  ; 0x94
>    1c:   e892000a        ldm     r2, {r1, r3}
>    20:   e592201c        ldr     r2, [r2, #28]
>    24:   e0812602        add     r2, r1, r2, lsl #12
>    28:   e2436004        sub     r6, r3, #4
>    2c:   e2422001        sub     r2, r2, #1
>    30:   e5842084        str     r2, [r4, #132]  ; 0x84
>    34:   e5950000        ldr     r0, [r5]
>    38:   e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
>    3c:   e1a0f000        mov     pc, r0
>    40:   e1a0f00e        mov     pc, lr
> llvm-3.0 gives near identical code (slight variation in instruction order):
> 00000000 <stg_returnToStackTop>:
>     0:   e594608c        ldr     r6, [r4, #140]  ; 0x8c
>     4:   e3a03000        mov     r3, #0
>     8:   e596600c        ldr     r6, [r6, #12]
>     c:   e596500c        ldr     r5, [r6, #12]
>    10:   e584309c        str     r3, [r4, #156]  ; 0x9c
>    14:   e286b064        add     fp, r6, #100    ; 0x64
>    18:   e5942094        ldr     r2, [r4, #148]  ; 0x94
>    1c:   e892000a        ldm     r2, {r1, r3}
>    20:   e592201c        ldr     r2, [r2, #28]
>    24:   e0812602        add     r2, r1, r2, lsl #12
>    28:   e2422001        sub     r2, r2, #1
>    2c:   e2436004        sub     r6, r3, #4
>    30:   e5842084        str     r2, [r4, #132]  ; 0x84
>    34:   e5950000        ldr     r0, [r5]
>    38:   e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
>    3c:   e1a0f000        mov     pc, r0
>    40:   e1a0f00e        mov     pc, lr
> Unfortunately llvm-3.2 doesn't quite work. I get this error:
> "inplace/bin/ghc-stage1" -static  -H32m -O    -package-name
> ghc-prim- -hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/ghc-prim/.
> -ilibraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build
> -ilibraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen
> -Ilibraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build
> -Ilibraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/ghc-prim/.
> -optP-include
> -optPlibraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
> -package rts-1.0  -package-name ghc-prim -XHaskell98 -XCPP -XMagicHash
> -XForeignFunctionInterface -XUnliftedFFITypes -XUnboxedTuples
> -XEmptyDataDecls -XNoImplicitPrelude -O2  -no-user-package-db -rtsopts
>      -odir libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build -hidir
> libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build -stubdir
> libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -c
> libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs -o
> libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/GHC/PrimopWrappers.o
> You are using a new version of LLVM that hasn't been tested yet!
> We will try though...
> Call operand #8 has unhandled type i32UNREACHABLE executed at
> CallingConvLower.cpp:129!
> 0  llc             0x08d19668
> 1  llc             0x08d19c04
> 2  libpthread.so.0 0x40055f38
> 3  ld-linux.so.2   0x400011b2
> 4  libc.so.6       0x401c91df gsignal + 79
> 5  libc.so.6       0x401cc825 abort + 373
> 6  llc             0x08d026cc
> 7  llc             0x087ee1bd
> llvm::CCState::AnalyzeCallOperands(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::ISD::OutputArg>
> const&, bool (*)(unsigned int, llvm::MVT, llvm::MVT,
> llvm::CCValAssign::LocInfo, llvm::ISD::ArgFlagsTy, llvm::CCState&)) + 381
> 8  llc             0x0841e40c
> llvm::ARMTargetLowering::LowerCall(llvm::TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo&,
> llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::SDValue>&) const + 492
> 9  llc             0x086a3d1f
> llvm::TargetLowering::LowerCallTo(llvm::TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo&)
> const + 6399
> 10 llc             0x086b3d0d
> llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::LowerCallTo(llvm::ImmutableCallSite,
> llvm::SDValue, bool, llvm::MachineBasicBlock*) + 5341
> 11 llc             0x086bf029
> llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visitCall(llvm::CallInst const&) + 473
> 12 llc             0x086a7b46 llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visit(unsigned
> int, llvm::User const&) + 390
> 13 llc             0x086cdcd8
> llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visit(llvm::Instruction const&) + 88
> 14 llc             0x086e8add
> llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectBasicBlock(llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::Instruction
> const>, llvm::ilist_iterator<llvm::Instruction const>, bool&) + 61
> 15 llc             0x086e97a5
> llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectAllBasicBlocks(llvm::Function const&) + 3093
> 16 llc             0x086eb1c1
> llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 961
> 17 llc             0x08892d72
> llvm::MachineFunctionPass::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 194
> 18 llc             0x08ca2883
> llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 643
> 19 llc             0x08ca28ec
> llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 76
> 20 llc             0x08ca257c
> llvm::MPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 540
> 21 llc             0x08ca6222 llvm::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&)
> + 162
> 22 llc             0x08ca6316 llvm::PassManager::run(llvm::Module&) + 38
> 23 llc             0x0818be9b main + 3707
> 24 libc.so.6       0x401b44d3 __libc_start_main + 243
> 25 llc             0x08199469
> Stack dump:
> 0.    Program arguments: /usr/local/bin/llc -O3 -relocation-model=static
> /tmp/ghc19850_0/ghc19850_0.bc -o /tmp/ghc19850_0/ghc19850_0.lm_s
> --enable-tbaa=true
> 1.    Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module
> '/tmp/ghc19850_0/ghc19850_0.bc'.
> 2.    Running pass 'ARM Instruction Selection' on function
> '@ghczmprim_GHCziPrimopWrappers_ztzhzh_slow'
> /tmp/ghc19850_0/ghc19850_0.lm_s: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such
> file or directory)
> make[1]: ***
> [libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/GHC/PrimopWrappers.o] Error 1
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> (llvm-3.0 gave a vaguely similar error).
> So, the best option looks like to use llvm-3.2 and fix anything that
> isn't working.
> Steve
> On 16/01/13 09:28, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] wrote:
>> Nathan,
>> My GHC-iOS is based on HEAD from about November 2012.
>> The register that's used for base is defined in includes/stg/MachRegs.h
>> and is meant to be r4. This has never changed since the ARM work was
>> done. This is likely to be new breakage.
>> One possibility: There are certain versions of llvm that break with GHC
>> and ARM. llvm-3.0 is known to work. I believe this has been fixed since
>> (so new llvm-version should work), but I haven't confirmed it.
>> Looking at the cmm source for stg_returnToStackTop, the use of r0 looks
>> wrong because the comment says it's not using C arguments. r0-r3 are not
>> callee-saves and r0 is normally a C call argument and return value.
>> I just did a compile for Emdebian Linux (but haven't run any generated
>> code yet), and I'm getting almost the same as you:
>> 00000000 <stg_returnToStackTop>:
>>     0:   e92d4010        push    {r4, lr}
>>     4:   e24dd010        sub     sp, sp, #16
>>     8:   e590108c        ldr     r1, [r0, #140]  ; 0x8c
>>     c:   e3a04000        mov     r4, #0
>>    10:   e591200c        ldr     r2, [r1, #12]
>>    14:   e592100c        ldr     r1, [r2, #12]
>>    18:   e580409c        str     r4, [r0, #156]  ; 0x9c
>>    1c:   e2822064        add     r2, r2, #100    ; 0x64
>>    20:   e5904094        ldr     r4, [r0, #148]  ; 0x94
>>    24:   e594c004        ldr     ip, [r4, #4]
>>    28:   e594e000        ldr     lr, [r4]
>>    2c:   e594401c        ldr     r4, [r4, #28]
>>    30:   e08e4604        add     r4, lr, r4, lsl #12
>>    34:   e2444001        sub     r4, r4, #1
>>    38:   e5804084        str     r4, [r0, #132]  ; 0x84
>>    3c:   e5914000        ldr     r4, [r1]
>>    40:   e58d200c        str     r2, [sp, #12]
>>    44:   e24c2004        sub     r2, ip, #4
>>    48:   e1a0e00f        mov     lr, pc
>>    4c:   e1a0f004        mov     pc, r4
>>    50:   e28dd010        add     sp, sp, #16
>>    54:   e8bd4010        pop     {r4, lr}
>>    58:   e1a0f00e        mov     pc, lr
>> On the iPhone I get this:
>> _stg_returnToStackTop:
>> 00000000        e5946064        ldr     r6, [r4, #100]
>> 00000004        e3a03000        mov     r3, #0  @ 0x0
>> 00000008        e596600c        ldr     r6, [r6, #12]
>> 0000000c        e596500c        ldr     r5, [r6, #12]
>> 00000010        e5843074        str     r3, [r4, #116]
>> 00000014        e286b064        add     fp, r6, #100    @ 0x64
>> 00000018        e594306c        ldr     r3, [r4, #108]
>> 0000001c        e1c300d0        ldrd    r0, [r3]
>> 00000020        e593301c        ldr     r3, [r3, #28]
>> 00000024        e0803603        add     r3, r0, r3, lsl #12
>> 00000028        e2416004        sub     r6, r1, #4      @ 0x4
>> 0000002c        e2433001        sub     r3, r3, #1      @ 0x1
>> 00000030        e584305c        str     r3, [r4, #92]
>> 00000034        e5953000        ldr     r3, [r5]
>> 00000038        e12fff33        blx     r3
>> 0000003c        e12fff1e        bx      lr
>> A comparison strongly supports your idea that it's using r0 when it
>> should be using r4.
>> I am going to try some different versions of llvm.
>> Steve
>> On 16/01/13 06:59, Nathan Hüsken wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I am currently trying to get a ghc cross compiler for android linux to
>>> work.
>>> I am basing this on the development version (HEAD). I succeeded building
>>> the compiler. Unfortunately, the executables produced by the compiler
>>> segfault on my android device.
>>> If I do an unregisterised build, it works!
>>> Since the iphone is also an arm platform, I was hoping someone here
>>> could help me a little bit.
>>> I investigate the problem a little bit (see this thread:
>>> http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/ghc-devs/2013-January/000013.html) and
>>> I am guessing (I am no expert) that it is an arm problem, not android.
>>> It seems like the wrong register is used for base (r0 instead of r4).
>>> * On which ghc version is the iphone fork based?
>>> * Are there any arm fixes in the iphone fork that could be related to
>>> this?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Nathan
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