[Haskell-iPhone] Thread model questions
Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone]
likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com
Sat Jun 11 12:49:01 CEST 2011
The GHC-iPhone port is no different to any other platform with regard to
What we (iPwn Studios) do with the video game is this: We have a main.m
that feeds some command-line arguments (RTS options) into Haskell_main.
The Haskell main function then forkIOs and forkOSs some Haskell
threads for its own purposes and then calls back to C on the main
thread. The C code then calls the iOS UIApplicationMain function.
To delegate processing to the main thread (required by iOS for GUI
calls), we then use this code that I got from somewhere:
void DelegateToMain__(void* appController, Closure* closure)
AppController* ac = (AppController*)appController;
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[ac performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(delegateToMain:)
withObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:closure] waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool release];
- (void) delegateToMain:(NSValue*)closureValue
Closure* closure = (Closure*)[closureValue pointerValue];
Since we ran the iOS event loop from the Haskell main, and since 'main'
always starts on a bound thread (see haddocks for Control.Concurrent),
it would be perfectly safe to use the above technique to run Haskell code.
> Given the 5 second rule about an iOS app getting shut down... if there
> are Haskell threads doing Haskell-y kind of work, is there a way of
> notifying those threads en masse about the shutdown?
Greg already gave you lots of links, so take a look at those. There are
two ways: co-operatively, or using killThread. To do it co-operatively,
you'll need to just read up. killThread may be simpler. It's important
to note that GHC does something that no other language I know of can do:
It can kill a thread safely.
This is explained in section 3.3 of Simon Marlow's parallel Haskell
tutorial (Greg gave this link too):
On 11/06/11 06:12, David Pollak wrote:
> Howdy,
> I've got a question about threading and thread models in ghc-iphone.
> My understanding is that Haskell has its own threading model that under
> the covers uses OS threads, but allows for significantly more active
> threads. Is this a correct understanding? If so, how does the Haskell
> threading model work on the iPhone? Is it that iOS is close enough to
> OS X/Darwin that it "just works"?
> If it "just works", then how does one marshal an event back onto the iOS
> "UI thread" so that the display or draw or whatever command can take
> place on the UI thread? Is there a convention or recipe for doing so?
> Would it be possible to put an event on the UI event queue that applies
> an Haskell closure such that the Haskell code that contains the computed
> value (I'd force the computation before marshaling the event to minimize
> the actual delay on the UI thread) then mutates the UI based on the
> computed value?
> Given the 5 second rule about an iOS app getting shut down... if there
> are Haskell threads doing Haskell-y kind of work, is there a way of
> notifying those threads en masse about the shutdown?
> Thanks,
> David
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
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