make check fails, no tests directory

nv3006802 at nv3006802 at
Tue Jan 13 05:29:38 EST 2004

I haven't heard anything back, but

tar ztf hugs98-Nov2003.tar.gz | grep tests

reports nothing.

I don't want to mess with CVS, can someone fix the tar file?


On 9 Jan 2004 06:49:17 -0000, nv3006802 at said:
> Hello,
> I'm building Hugs 98 Nov 2003 on IRIX64.  When I run 'make check' it
> fails because there is no '../tests' directory.  In fact, there is no
> 'tests' directory at all.  Is it simply missing from the distribution?
> Please respond by email as well.
> Thanks,

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