another Hugs source snapshot

Ross Paterson ross at
Tue Sep 16 19:04:00 EDT 2003

This is an appeal for another round of testing for the latest snapshot
of Hugs:
(Unix only, unfortunately -- I don't know how to build on Windows --
but including MacOS X).
Instructions (after unpacking):

	cd hugs98-Aug2003/src/unix
	cd ..
	make LibStatus
	grep ERROR LibStatus

This builds in-place.  'make install' installs in /usr/local; to install
at home, add --prefix=$HOME to the configure line.  Other configure
options you might try are:

  --enable-hopengl        include HOpenGL, a Haskell binding for OpenGL/GLUT
  --with-pthreads         build Hugs using pthreads C library

The old options --enable-readline and --enable-ffi are no longer needed.
Please report bugs to hugs-bugs at

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