undefined type prob
James Grist
Thu, 1 May 2003 00:59:46 +0100 (BST)
I've got a prob with the Function toHeap. It return an
argument with an undefined type. Well, I think that's
got something to do with why I can`t get it to work.
OK, for it's input, it takes a list of some datatype,
so I try at the hugs console....
toHeap "hello"
ERROR - Unresolved overloading
*** Type : Heap a => a Char
*** Expression : toHeap "hello"
How do I get round this prob?
The fact that this code compiles fine, makes me think
that it's me not using it right, rather than the code
not being right
module Heap where
class Heap h where
empty :: Ord a => h a
isEmpty :: Ord a => h a -> Bool
insert :: Ord a => a -> h a -> h a
merge :: Ord a => h a -> h a -> h a
findMin :: Ord a => h a -> Maybe a
deleteMin :: Ord a => h a -> h a
toHeap :: (Ord a, Heap h) => [a] -> h a
toHeap xs = foldr insert empty xs
data Way = L | R deriving (Eq, Show)
data Tree a = Nil | Node Way a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
isNil :: Tree a -> Bool
isNil Nil = True
isNil _ = False
isNode :: Tree a -> Bool
isNode = not . isNil
leftSub :: Tree a -> Tree a
leftSub Nil = error "leftSub"
leftSub (Node _ _ lt _) = lt
rightSub :: Tree a -> Tree a
rightSub Nil = error "rightSub"
rightSub (Node _ _ _ rt) = rt
root :: Tree a -> a
root Nil = error "root"
root (Node _ v _ _) = v
insTree :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insTree val Nil = Node L val Nil Nil -- L is an
arbitrary choice
insTree val (Node way v lt rt)
| v==val = Node way v lt rt -- no change,
value in tree
| val < v = if (way==L) then
Node R val (insTree v lt) rt else
Node L val lt (insTree v rt)
| v < val = if (way==L) then
Node R v (insTree val lt) rt else
Node L v lt (insTree val rt)
minTree :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a
minTree t
| isNil t = Nothing
| otherwise = Just(root t)
deleteM :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a
deleteM Nil = error "deleteM"
deleteM (Node _ _ lt rt) = join lt rt
join :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
join t Nil = t
join Nil t = t
join lt@(Node way1 v1 lt1 rt1) rt@(Node way2 v2 lt2
| v1 <= v2 = Node L v1 lt1 (join rt1 rt)
| v2 < v1 = Node R v2 (join lt lt2) rt2
--instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
-- show Tree Nil = "as"
instance Heap Tree where
empty = Nil
isEmpty = isNil
insert = insTree
merge = join
findMin = minTree
deleteMin = deleteM
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