How to make function can be strictly evaluated in the hugs98 ?
stanley huang
stanleyjianhuang at
Fri Dec 12 08:19:03 EST 2003
hi, I am a beginner of hugs 98 and I now need to let
one function be strictly evaluated in hugs98.
In Richard Bird's Introduction to Functional
Programming using Haskell Second edition , P 240, it
says we can use
strict to make it like the following:
Let succ x = x + 1
and strict succ (strict succ ( 8 * 5)) will evaluate
the expression strictly . But I find the hugs98 do not
support it. It even do not recognize strict
and in Fethi Rabhi's Algorithms A functional
Programming Approach , it use &! operator to inform
hugs that the function need be evalutae stricly.
This time the hugs recognize it, but I find the cells
need for two version do not have much difference
Can you tell me how to do it?
Thanks very much
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