"Fran" or "Functional Reactive Animation"
Tomas Falemo
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 23:22:00 +0200 (MEST)
Hi, my name is Tomas Falemo and I'm a student at Chalmers
I'm currently working on a Haskell project for a course in advanced
fuinctional programming and I intend to build my project using Fran as
a vital cornerstone. But now I seem to have run in to serious problem,
namely I can't find Fran anywhere...
All references I have found seems to end up at
which only yields a file-not-found exception. I've been told this
is due to Conal Elliott leaving Microsoft, but that does not help me much.
Now to my question, is there anyone out there who knows where I can find
a copy of Fran?
Best Regards,
Tomas Falemo