I think...
Pedro L. P. Dias
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 11:45:11 +0200
... that the problem is:
- if I must write my own definitions, like:
inc :: Integer -> Integer
inc n = n+1
in a file, and this file is a ".hs" file, so how can I write an ".hs" file?
- my Hug's prompt, when I start it, is "Prelude>". If Prelude is an ".hs"
file, and if that definitions were writed in "Incr.hs" file, my prompt must
be "Incr>"?
Thank you very much! But the manuals files I downloaded don't explain it...
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: Pedro L. P. Dias <pedrolpd@uol.com.br>
To: Hans Aberg <haberg@matematik.su.se>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Problems...
> Dear Professor Hans Aberg:
> Thank you for your answer!
> 'Sorry to bother you again...
> I found a Hugs manual, "The Hugs 98 User Manual", and it describes
> So, I wrote:
> module Fact where fact :: Integer -> Integer fact n = product [1..n]
> because this is the example showed at page 8 of that manual. But,
> unfortunately, another error message appears: "cannot find module 'Fact'
> I understood, from your e-mail and the manual, that I must create an ".hs"
> file with my own definitions; so, how can I do this?
> Thank you very much (again!).
> Best regards,
> Pedro.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hans Aberg <haberg@matematik.su.se>
> To: Pedro L. P. Dias <pedrolpd@uol.com.br>
> Cc: <hugs-bugs@haskell.org>
> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Problems...
> > At 10:31 -0300 2002/07/25, Pedro L. P. Dias wrote:
> > I start Hugs, and, at the line command "prelude>", when I digit, for
> > example, "add x y = x + y", an error message appear: "...unexpected
> '='".
> > Also, when I digit (other example) "inc n = n + 1", the error message is
> > "undefined variable inc",
> >
> > Dig-it, Hugs is hooked up so that definitions must be in a file. So put
> the
> > stuff in a file and then load that file.
> >
> > Hans Aberg
> >
> >