Event does not match Event

Tom Pledger Tom.Pledger@peace.com
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:06:06 +1300

b.i.mills@massey.ac.nz writes:
 | ERROR - Type error in application
 | *** Expression     : openWindow "a" (100,100) >>= getEvent >>= process
 | *** Term           : openWindow "a" (100,100) >>= getEvent
 | *** Type           : IO Event
 | *** Does not match : IO Event

Could they have been imported from different modules?

Some graphics libraries do things like this:

    module Bar where
    import qualified Foo
    data Event = ... something involving Foo.Event ...

meaning that there are two incompatible Event types around, which will
look the same in error messages which don't show fully qualified
