specifying library locations to ./configure ?

Duncan Coutts dcoutts@cray.com
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 16:57:11 -0500


Thank's very much for the tip, it compiled and works fine now. That flag
was all it needed (in combination with --with-readline obviously).

I've not tried compiling hugs on one of the super-computers yet...
That'd be a good advertisement for hugs. I can see the headline:

"hugs beats ghc on run-time performance - ghc team claim unfair advantage"


> try using the environment variable LDFLAGS, e.g,
>    foo$ LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/where/libreadline/and/libncurses/live ./configure
> I believe that's all there's to it, but am currently unable to verify.
> hth
> --sigbjorn