putStr "\BEL" and putStr "\ESC[2J" do not behave correctly

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 08:22:41 EST 2008

Hi Henk-Jan,

> The following problems occurred in WinHugs (version: Sep 2006, on Windows
> XP):
> Printing the BELL character does not result in a beep:
> Hugs> putStr "\BEL"
> Trying to clear the screen:
> Hugs> putStr "\ESC[2J"
> [2J

I guess these escape codes just never got on to the implemented list.
The bell is trivial, and clearing the screen probably isn't too hard
either. At the moment I don't have any machines set up that can
compile WinHugs, but I've reported it as a bug:



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