[Hugs-bugs] Re: New moderation policy and

Sven Panne Sven.Panne at aedion.de
Sun Jan 25 18:49:00 EST 2004

Byron Hale wrote:
> [...] I notice that the Hugs-users/Hugs-bugs lists do not have any identifying 
> header.

I don't think there is a real need for prefixing the subject, the List-Post:
header field works extremely well for mailman-based lists, even in the case
of CC:-ing.

> [...] I want to see my lists do something like make it difficult to harvest
> email addresses from lists. That could be by mangling the return
> address so that human intervention was needed.

IMHO these are helpless measures doomed to fail. The only real place for stopping
spam is at the receiving mail server (i.e. the one for haskell.org in our case).
It is the only place where one still has a slight idea where the mail is really
from and can apply some countermeasures, e.g. using RBLs, verifying the hostname
via a reverse lookup etc. Doing this for Postfix (which seems to be used at
haskell.org) is only a matter of a few lines in the configuration file. I'm not
sure if haskell.org actually does something like this, but it probably should.
And einfo.com, should do it, too, of course. :-)

In conjuction with a well-trained adaptive junk mail filter like the one in Netscape,
spam is not really a problem, at least for me...


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