A small problem

Ross Paterson ross@soi.city.ac.uk
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 13:37:23 +0100

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 08:17:37PM +0100, Shalom Lappin wrote:
>  I am a (very) new Haskell user, having spent many years working in Prolog. I
> have just installed HUGS on my laptop in Windows XP, and it is working well
> except for one strange problem. I cannot load more than one file at a time.
> If I use ':load fn1 ...fnk' I receive an error message that the module has
> already been loaded. Only the first file is then loaded. If I attempt
> to load the files separately in sequence using either :l or :also, each
> successive loading of a file overides and cancels the previous one. What
> am I doing wrong? I would appreciate your help on this. Thanks. Regards.

Do your modules start with `module Foo where'?  If not, they'll all default
to Main, and Hugs doesn't let you load two modules with the same name.

But even then it may not be what you want (all names from all the modules
in scope).  Hugs only has one current module at a time, whose contents
are in scope; if you load several modules, this will be the last one.  
You'll probably need to use Haskell imports and exports to get what
you want.