bug in hugs with Int handling for mac os x?
Onne Gorter
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:17:11 +0100
sieve :: [Int] -> [Int]
sieve (x:xs) = x: sieve [c|c<-xs, mod c x > 0]
and then run:
sieve [2..]
breaks after number 16477 with an 'Illegal instruction' (the mac os X
native signal) and hugs quits. Now, I expected an 'out of memory' or a
'number overflow' or 'stack overflow' or something thelike, but not
this, this implies a buffer overrun or something. I am not sure how
anyways, just reporting,
my hardware is a white iBook 2002 600Mhz running mac os X 10.2.4
the software used is Hugs 98 Version November 2002.