
Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Dec 15 16:11:31 EST 2003

> Hallo freaks,
> I just wanna say that your stupid language called Haskell is getting
> on my nerves. In our stupid university our stupid professors have
> decided that we MUST learn this stupid language. Can you tell me
> pleaZZZZZe what is the purpose of using this shit instead of writing


> smart and normal programs in C++ or ASM or in whatever smarter than
> this BIG shit. I was unable to find some normal documentation about


> your Virus-kind script neither an INTERPRETER that gives me some


> easyness when I write my heart-breaking homeworks. I was also unable
> to find JUST ONE program that uses this script (I would not call this


> a language). Tell me why, tell me why you had made this. You had to
> waste your time with something different. There are, for example,
> women. They are smarter then this shit and can make more things such
> as "openWindow", "cloaseWindow" and so on and so fort. OK, I must go.


> My homework awaits me but before I say good bye I wanna say "I`m not
> one of the lamers which have no idea wh at the word programming means.
> That is why I criticize you on developing such things."


-- Don

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