Type inferrence problem

Mark Tullsen mtullsen@cse.ogi.edu
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 17:45:23 -0700

You should check your code before you accuse the type checker!
Maybe you're missing some parentheses ...  :-).  Juxtaposition
binds tighter than ":" in Haskell.

- Mark

hjgtuyl@chello.nl wrote:

> Hugs (Version Nov 2002) cannot handle the following function definition:
> f :: Ord a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
> f 0 xs       = xs
> f _ []       = []
> f n (x:y:zs) | x > y     = y : (f (n - 1) x:zs)
>             | otherwise = x : (f (n - 1) y:zs)
> Hugs generates the message:
> ERROR "C:\Program Files\Hugs98\Henk-Jan\error.hs":2 - Inferred type is 
> not general enough
> *** Expression    : f
> *** Expected type : Ord a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
> *** Inferred type : Ord [a] => Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
> It seems to me that this is a bug in the inferrence mechanism.
> Henk-Jan.