hugs98: configure Linuxism

Glynn Clements
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 23:26:24 +0100

Volker Stolz wrote:

> Hi, there's a Linuxism in hugs98-Dec2001/src/unix/configure:
> if (test "`basename ${YACC}`x" == "byaccx"); then
>    echo "Found 'byacc', but the Hugs98 parser is incompatible with it."
> The test should be one simple "=" for string equality. This will make
> configure trip e.g. on FreeBSD (though it'll do no harm -- yet).

Actually "==" is a "bash 2.x"-ism. Any system (Linux or otherwise)
where /bin/sh is bash 1.x will also choke on the above code.

Glynn Clements <>