Assistance Urgently Needed
Ayanda Nkuhlu
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 17:47:25 +0100
#15 Dennise Drive
Reservation Quarter
South Africa
=09=09=09=09Assistance Urgently Needed
May I through this medium seek for your co-operation and assistance in a business transaction that requires high confidentiality=2E I am Mr=2E
Ayanda Nkuhlu=2C a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I am an Executive Accountant with the South Africa Department of Mining & Natural
Resources=2E First and foremost=2C I apologize for using this medium to reach you for a transaction=2Fbusiness of this magnitude=2C but this is due to some
confidentiality and the prompt access this medium affords=2E
Furthermore a member of the South African Export Promotion Council =28SEPC=29 who was at the Government delegation to your country during a trade
exhibition gave your enviable credentials=2Fparticulars to me=2E I have decided to seek a possible partnership with you in the execution of a deal
described hereunder for the benefit of all parties involved and hope you will keep itas a top secret because of the nature of this transaction=2E
I work as executive accountant along with the cooperation of four other top officials =28partners=29=2C we have in our possession overdue payment bills
totalling Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars =28$7=2C500=2C000=29 which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance and cooperation of a
small business=2Findividual to receive the said fund on our behalf or a reliable non-company account to receive the fund=2E
More so=2C we are handicapped in the very circumstances=2C as the South African Civil Service =22Code of Conduct=22 does not allow us to operate offshore
accounts hence your importance in this whole transaction=2E The amount $7=2E5M represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf
of my Department by a foreign contracting firm=2C which we as the officials deliberately over-invoiced=2E
The the actual contract cost has been paid to the foreign contractors=2C leaving this amount which we have successfully gotten approval to remit
abroad by Key Tested Telegraphic Transfer =28K=2ET=2ET=29 to any foreign bank account=2E Note however on your part=2C you will provide an account=2E The
modalities of this will be further discussed in concert with you=2E
I have the authority of my partners involved to propose that should you be willing to assist us in this transaction=2C your share of the sum will
be 25% of the $7=2E5M=2E 65% for us and 10% for taxation and miscellanous expenses incurred during the transaction=2E The business itself is 100% safe on
your part provided you treat it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality=2E Also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful
execution of this transaction=2E I have quietly reposed some degree of confidence in you at this point in time and hope that you consider same=2E
Endeavour to contact me immediately through my private mail=3A ayandankuhlu=40ecplaza=2Enet to confirm whether or not you are interested in this
transaction=2C it will enable me to scout for another foreign partner to carry out this deal=2C if the latter is the case=2E
Lastly=2C I want to assure you that my partners and myself are in a position to make the payment of this claim possible provided you can give us very
strong assurance and guarantee that our share wil be secured=2E And please remember to treat this matter confidentially=2C because we will not
comprehend with any form of exposure as we are still in active government service=2E Once again remember that time is of the essence in this transaction=2E I
await in anticipation of your fullest cooperation=2E
Yours Faithfully=2C
Ayanda Nkuhlu