Does SOE run on Unix?
Alastair Reid
05 Nov 2002 21:46:41 +0000
> Several of the programs in Paul Hudak's Haskell text will run under
> Windows, but fail with Solaris or Linux because Win32Misc isn't
> available. It looks like only timeGetTime is imported from
> Win32Mics. Is this an oversight with a simple fix? Has anybody
> done the fix? Or is this just the tip of the iceberg with a
> hopeless mess just out of sight?
All the examples in SOE run on Unix.
When I ported HGL/SOE to Unix, I ran into exactly this problem and
provided the following shim to get round it:
module Win32Misc( timeGetTime ) where
import GraphicsCore( getTime )
import Word( Word32 )
timeGetTime :: IO Word32
timeGetTime = do
t <- getTime
return $ fromInteger (t `mod` 1000000000)
The story is that if you want to write clean-looking code, you'll use
GraphicsCore.getTime :: IO Integer
but if you're working your way through the SOE book, you can use Win32Misc
which is available as part of the HGL distribution.
Alastair Reid
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited