fatal error of hugs + suggestion to the programmers

hjgtuyl@chello.nl hjgtuyl@chello.nl
Sat, 11 May 2002 21:15:52 +0200

   Dear Claus,
thank you very kind for your fast answer. I have thought 
about this solution, but I thought that Hugs would catch 
that error. But if not, then only Windows is left to do so.
Might it be a suggestion towards the designer/programmers of 
Hugs98? If so to your opinion, would you please pass this on 
to them. 

             Best wishes, Sander van Tuijl.

9-5-2002 19:25:55, "C.Reinke" <C.Reinke@ukc.ac.uk> wrote:

>>     To the Hugs-Bugs problemsolvers,
>> The following lines give a fatal error trying to match 
>> convect [1] in Winhugs running under windows 98:
>>  convect []           = []
>>  convect (h:t) = convect([h]) ++ convect(t)
>>  convect a            = a
>> There is no error message of Hugs itself. The fatal error 
>> comes from windows
>> Hugs is exited by Windows.
>haven't seen an answer yet, and it looks fairly obvious, so:
>[1] == 1:[], which means that
>  convect [1] 
>  -> convect [1] ++ convect []
>  -> (convect [1] ++ convect []) ++ convect []
>  -> ..
>the program overflows all bounded resources, typically the 
>first. on some platforms, hugs doesn't manage to capture 
>overflow error, so it (kind of) crashes. which is what you 